Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
;; This file:
;;   http://angg.twu.net/elisp/eev-inspect.el.html
;;   http://angg.twu.net/elisp/eev-inspect.el
;;           (find-angg "elisp/eev-inspect.el")
;; Author: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]>
;; See:
;; https://github.com/mmontone/emacs-inspector/issues/8
;; https://github.com/mmontone/emacs-inspector/issues/8#issue-1275655944
;; (load (buffer-file-name))

;; The variable `inspect-history-b' is similar to `inspect-history',
;; but uses a different format. Remember that `inspect-expression' is
;; defined as:
;;   (defun inspect-expression (exp)
;;     "Evaluate EXP and inspect its result." ...)
;; The first element of the list `inspect-history-b' is an "exp" that
;; will be evaluated to obtain the initial object to be inspected, and
;; the other elements of `inspect-history-b' are a series of actions
;; that transform one inspected object into the next one - a
;; "subobject". These actions can be either symbols - that are
;; interpreted as names of functions that receive a single argument -
;; or sexps containing "it"s, inspired by the ones used by dash.el.
;; Try:
;;   (require 'dash)
;;   (--filter (< 5 it) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
;; The three functions defined below manipulate these lists made of an
;; "exp" and a series of "actions":

(defun inspect-history-b-sub1 (it f)
  "An internal function that is used to manipulate `inspect-history-b'."
    (if (symbolp f) (funcall f it) (eval f)))

(defun inspect-history-b-subs (exp-and-actions)
  "An internal function that is used to manipulate `inspect-history-b'."
    (let* ((it (eval (car exp-and-actions)))
           (fs (cdr exp-and-actions))
           (history (list it)))
      (while fs
        (setq it (inspect-history-b-sub1 it (car fs)))
        (setq fs (cdr fs))
        (setq history (cons it history)))

(defun inspect-history-b-sub (itfs)
  "An internal function that is used to manipulate `inspect-history-b'."
  (car (inspect-history-b-subs itfs)))

;; Try:
;; (inspect-history-b-sub1   '(1 (2 3 4)) 'cdr)
;; (inspect-history-b-sub1   '(1 (2 3 4)) '(nth 1 it))
;; (inspect-history-b-sub  '('(1 (2 3 4))  cdr))
;; (inspect-history-b-sub  '('(1 (2 3 4))  cdr car))
;; (inspect-history-b-sub  '('(1 (2 3 4))  cdr car (nth 2 it)))
;; (inspect-history-b-subs '('(1 (2 3 4))  cdr car (nth 2 it)))

;; `inspect-expression-b' is a variant of
;; `inspect-expression' that receives an argument of the form
;; exp-and-actions - see above - and sets `inspect-history' and
;; `inspect-history-b' in the right way.
;; Tests:
;; (inspect-expression      ''(1 (2 3 4)))
;; (inspect-expression-b   '('(1 (2 3 4))))
;; (inspect-expression-b   '('(1 (2 3 4))  cdr car (nth 2 it)))
;; (inspect-expression-b   '('(1 (2 3 4))  cadr (nth 2 it)))

;; (inspect-expression   '(selected-window))
;; (inspect-expression   '(current-buffer))
;; (inspect-expression   'derawify-face)
;; (find-eface-links 'derawify-face)
;; (find-eface-links 'default)
;; (inspect-expression   (face-attribute 'default :font))
;; (query-font  (face-attribute 'default :font))

(defvar-local inspector-history-b nil
  "The inspector buffer history, in another format.")

(defun inspect-expression-b (history-b)
  "This is similar to `inspect-expression'... TODO: document this.
HISTORY-B is a list of the form exp-and-actions."
  (let* ((history (inspect-history-b-subs history-b))
	 (obj (car history)))
    (inspector-inspect obj)
    (with-current-buffer "*inspector*"
      (setq inspector-inspected-object (car history))
      (setq inspector-history (cdr history))
      (setq inspector-history-b history-b))

;; Load inspector.el and eev-inspect.el.
;; This block is full of eev-isms. You are not expected to understand this!
;; (find-git-links "https://github.com/mmontone/emacs-inspector" "emacsinspector")
;; (defun e () (interactive) (find-angg "elisp/eev-inspect.el"))
;; (code-c-d "emacsinspector" "~/usrc/emacs-inspector/")
;; (find-emacsinspectorfile "")
;; (load "~/usrc/emacs-inspector/inspector.el")
;; (load "~/elisp/eev-inspect.el")

'("This is a test block:
* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
rm -Rfv ~/usrc/emacs-inspector/
cd      ~/usrc/
git clone https://github.com/mmontone/emacs-inspector
cd      ~/usrc/emacs-inspector/


;; Local Variables:
;; coding:  utf-8-unix
;; End: