Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
;;; This file:
;;;   http://angg.twu.net/elisp/cl-glyphs.el.html
;;;   http://angg.twu.net/elisp/cl-glyphs.el
;;;           (find-angg "elisp/cl-glyphs.el")
;;; Author: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]>
;; (defun e () (interactive) (find-angg "elisp/cl-glyphs.el"))
;; (find-node "(cl)Structures")
;; (find-node "(cl)Structures" "Macro: cl-defstruct")
;; (find-node "(cl)Structures" "#s(person1 nil nil nil)")
;; (find-elnode "Hash Table Type" "#s")
;; (find-elnode "Records" "#s")
;; (find-eevfile "eev-glyphs.el")
;; (find-eevfile "eev-math-glyphs.el")
;; (find-angg "LATEX/istanbulglyphs.el")

;; (find-epp (macroexpand '(cl-defstruct ee-glyph pos keys char face)))

;; (find-LATEXfile "2019oxford-chars.tex")

;; See: (find-es "emacs" "while-string-match")
;;      (find-es "emacs" "rx")
(setq ee-glyph4-re
      (rx-let ((nonblank (not (any " \t\n"))))
        (rx (or (and (group-n 1 nonblank) ; 1: pos
		     " "
		     (group-n 2 nonblank nonblank) ; 2: keys
		      " "
		      (group-n 3 nonblank (zero-or-more nonblank))) ; 3: latex
		(and "face: " (group-n 4 (one-or-more nonblank))) ; 4: face
		(and ";; " (zero-or-more (not "\n")))		  ; comment

(defun ee-glyphs-do (code bigstr)
  (let ((bigstrpos 0))
    (while (string-match ee-glyph4-re bigstr bigstrpos)
      (let ((pos   (match-string 1 bigstr))
            (keys  (match-string 2 bigstr))
            (latex (match-string 3 bigstr))
            (face  (match-string 4 bigstr)))
	(eval code)
	(setq bigstrpos (match-end 0))))))

(setq ee-glyphs-keys-to-pos  (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(setq ee-glyphs-pos-to-latex (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(setq ee-glyphs-current-face nil)

(defun ee-glyphs-do-default ()
  (if pos   (puthash keys pos  ee-glyphs-keys-to-pos))
  (if pos   (eepitch-set-glyph0 pos pos ee-glyphs-current-face))
  (if latex (puthash pos latex ee-glyphs-pos-to-latex))
  (if face  (setq ee-glyphs-current-face (eval face)))

(setq ee-glyphs-bigstr0
  ;; Comment
  face: foo
  Δ DD \\Delta
  Γ GG \\Gamma
  Θ Th \\Theta
  α aa \\alpha
  β bb \\beta
  γ gg \\gamma
  ∈ in \\in
  ≤ le \\le
  ≥ ge \\ge
  ≥ ge

(defun ee-glyphs-do-test () (insert (format "%S %S %S / %S\n" pos keys latex face)))

' (ee-glyph4-do '(ee-glyphs-do-test) ee-glyphs-bigstr)

(setq ee-tla-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))

;; Tests: (ee-tla-canonicalize nil)
;;        (ee-tla-canonicalize "/home/edrx/foo")
(defun ee-tla-canonicalize (o)
  (if (stringp o) (ee-shorten-file-name (ee-expand o)) o))

;; Here the argument tla has to be a symbol.
(defun ee-tla-set (tla fname)
  (setq fname (ee-tla-canonicalize fname))
  (puthash fname tla ee-tla-table)
  (puthash tla fname ee-tla-table))

(setq ee-glyph3-re
      (rx-let ((posc   (not (any " \t\n")))
               (keyc   (not (any " \t\n")))
               (latexc (not (any " \t\n")))
	       (latex  (latexc (zero-or-more latexc)))
        (rx (group posc) " "
            (group keyc keyc)
            (optional " " (group latexc (zero-or-more latexc)))

(defun ee-glyph3-foreach (f bigstr)
  "Run F for each match of ee-f-pkl-re in BIGSTR."
  (let ((pos 0))
    (while (string-match ee-glyph3-re bigstr pos)
      (funcall f (match-string 1 bigstr)
	       (match-string 2 bigstr)
	       (match-string 3 bigstr))
      (setq pos (match-end 0)))))

' (Test:

 (lambda (p k l) (insert (format "\n %S %S %S" p k l)))
  Δ DD \\Delta
  Γ GG \\Gamma
  Θ Th \\Theta
  α aa \\alpha
  β bb \\beta
  γ gg \\gamma
  ∈ in \\in
  ≤ le \\le
  ≥ ge \\ge
  ≥ ge


(cl-defstruct ee-glyph posc keys char face latex)

(setq ee-g-face nil)

(defun ee-g-make (posc &optional keys char latex)
  (make-ee-glyph :pos posc :keys keys :char char :latex latex :face ee-g-face))

  (list (ee-g-make "á" "'a")
         (ee-g-make "á" "'a")
         (ee-g-make "á" "'a")
         (ee-g-make "á" "'a")


(setq bigstr
  Δ DD \\Delta
  Γ GG \\Gamma
  Θ Th \\Theta
  α aa \\alpha
  β bb \\beta
  γ gg \\gamma
  ∈ in \\in
  ≤ le \\le
  ≥ ge \\ge

  la ∧  lo ∨  -> →  to →  <> ↔  => ⇒  <= ⇐  TT ⊤  BO ⊥  Do ⋅
  <- ←  up ↑  dn ↓  |- ⊢  -| ⊣  |= ⊨  ud ↕  NW ↖  NE ↗  SE ↘  SW ↙  LR ⇔

  su ⊂  se ⊆  Se ⊇  Su ⊃ Pa ∂ Na ∇  em ∅
  .. …  bu   sq √  

  ca ∩  cu ∪  CA ⋂  CU ⋃  LO ⋁  LA ⋀  sm ∖
  qa ⊓  qu ⊔  && ⅋  [[ ⟦  ]] ⟧  -o ⊸  li ✀

  fa ∀  ex ∃  Bo □  nc ◻  po ⋄  fl ♭  na ♮  sh ♯
  -1 ¹  11 ¹  22 ²  33 ³  oo ∘  88 ∞  In ∫

  hu ⇀ <1 〈 1> 〉  o. ⊙ o- ⊖ o+ ⊕ o/ ⊘ ox ⊗   __ ▁ :: ⠆

  bf 𝐛  it 𝐢  rm 𝐫  tx 𝐭  sf 𝐬

;; (find-elnode "Char Classes" "[:unibyte:]")

(setq g (make-ee-glyph :char ?\^T
		       :glyphchar ?T
		       :face 'eev-glyph-face-yellow-on-red))

(defun ee-glyph-set-glyph (g)
  (eepitch-set-glyph (ee-glyph-pos g)
		     (or (ee-glyph-char g)
			 (ee-glyph-pos g))
		     (ee-glyph-face g)))

(defun ee-glyph-unset-glyph (g)
  (eepitch-set-glyph (ee-glyph-pos g) nil nil))

;;;   __                                    _                      
;;;  / _| __ _  ___ ___ _ __   ___  ___ ___| | _____ _   _ ___ ___ 
;;; | |_ / _` |/ __/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \/ __/ __| |/ / _ \ | | / __/ __|
;;; |  _| (_| | (_|  __/ |_) | (_) \__ \__ \   <  __/ |_| \__ \__ \
;;; |_|  \__,_|\___\___| .__/ \___/|___/___/_|\_\___|\__, |___/___/
;;;                    |_|                           |___/         
;; A `faceposskeyss' is a list like this,
;;   (F1 F2 "A B C" "a b c" "D E" "d e" F3 "F G" "f g")
;; ink

(setq ee-glyphs-current-face  ())
(setq ee-glyphs-current-poss  ())
(setq ee-glyphs-current-keyss ())

;; (find-efunctiondescr 'keywordp)

(defun ee-glyphs-fpks-do0 (code)
  (let* ((face  ee-glyphs-current-face)
	 (poss  (ee-split ee-glyphs-current-poss))
	 (keyss (ee-split ee-glyphs-current-keyss)))
    (dolist (i (number-sequence 0 (- (length keyss) 1)))
      (let* ((pos  (nth i poss))
	     (keys (nth i keyss)))
	(eval code)))))

;; Test:
;; (setq ee-glyphs-current-face  'eepitch-star-face)
;; (setq ee-glyphs-current-poss  "A  B  C ")
;; (setq ee-glyphs-current-keyss "aa bb cc")
;; (ee-glyphs-pos-keys-do '(insert (format "\n%S" (list face pos keys))))

(defun ee-glyphs-fpks-do (list code)
  (while list
     ;; Case 1: change face
     ((symbolp (car list))
      (setq ee-glyphs-current-face (car list))
      (setq list (cdr list)))
     ;; Case 2: process poss and keyss
     ((stringp (car list))
      (setq ee-glyphs-current-poss  (car  list))
      (setq ee-glyphs-current-keyss (cadr list))
      (setq list (cddr list))
      (ee-glyphs-fpks-do0 code))
     (t (error "Not fpks: %S" (car list))))))

;; Test:
' (ee-glyphs-faceposskeyss-do
   '(F1 F2 "A B C" "a b c" "D E" "d e" F3 "F G" "f g")
   '(insert (format "\n%S" (list face pos keys)))

;; (find-efunctiondescr 'dolist)
;; (find-efunctiondescr 'seq)
;; (find-elnode "Sequence Functions")

;; (find-efunctiondescr 'number-sequence)

;; (ee-glyph-set-glyph   g)
;; (ee-glyph-unset-glyph g)