Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
;;; eev-lean4.el -- Definitions for a workshop on Lean4. -*- lexical-binding: nil; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; ;; This file is part of GNU eev. ;; ;; GNU eev is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; GNU eev is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ;; ;; Author: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]> ;; Maintainer: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]> ;; Version: 20240728 ;; Keywords: e-scripts ;; ;; Latest version: <http://anggtwu.net/eev-current/eev-lean4.el> ;; htmlized: <http://anggtwu.net/eev-current/eev-lean4.el.html> ;; See also: <http://anggtwu.net/eev-current/eev-beginner.el.html> ;; <http://anggtwu.net/eev-intros/find-lean4-intro.html> ;; (find-lean4-intro) ;;; Comment: ;; ;; This file contains part of the setup for this workshop: ;; ;; http://anggtwu.net/2024-lean4-oficina-0.html ;; (find-lean4-intro) ;; ;; This is very experimental and very undocumented! ;; Reload with: ;; ;; (load (buffer-file-name)) ;; ;; Index: ;; «.PATH» (to "PATH") ;; «.lean4-mode» (to "lean4-mode") ;; «.code-c-ds» (to "code-c-ds") ;; «.etc» (to "etc") ;; «.ee-let*-macro-leandoc» (to "ee-let*-macro-leandoc") ;; «.code-leandocpdf» (to "code-leandocpdf") ;; «.find-leandocprep-links» (to "find-leandocprep-links") ;; «.find-leanbook-links» (to "find-leanbook-links") ;; «.find-leanrstdoc-links» (to "find-leanrstdoc-links") ;; ;; «.books» (to "books") ;; «.leandoc-specs» (to "leandoc-specs") ;; «.ee-leandoc-:fplean4» (to "ee-leandoc-:fplean4") ;; «.ee-leandoc-:lean4» (to "ee-leandoc-:lean4") ;; «.ee-leandoc-:leanmeta» (to "ee-leandoc-:leanmeta") ;; «.ee-leandoc-:tclean4» (to "ee-leandoc-:tclean4") ;; «.ee-leandoc-:tpil4» (to "ee-leandoc-:tpil4") ;; (require 'subr-x) (require 'eev-rstdoc) (setq package-install-upgrade-built-in t) ; needed for Emacs28? ;;; ____ _ _____ _ _ ;;; | _ \ / \|_ _| | | | ;;; | |_) / _ \ | | | |_| | ;;; | __/ ___ \| | | _ | ;;; |_| /_/ \_\_| |_| |_| ;;; ;; «PATH» (to ".PATH") ;; Similar to: export PATH=$HOME/.elan/bin:$PATH ;; See: (find-lean4-intro "4. Install Lean4") (setenv "PATH" (format "%s/.elan/bin:%s" (getenv "HOME") (getenv "PATH"))) ;; (find-sh "echo $PATH") ;; (find-sh "echo $PATH | tr : '\n'") ;; «lean4-mode» (to ".lean4-mode") ;; See: (find-lean4-intro "6. Install lean4-mode") (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/elpa/lean4-mode") (ignore-errors (require 'lean4-mode)) ;; «code-c-ds» (to ".code-c-ds") ;; (find-lean4prefile "") ;; (find-lean4presh "find * | sort") (code-c-d "lean4pre" "~/.elan/toolchains/leanprover--lean4---stable/src/lean/") ;; If lean4-mode or lsp-mode are not installed then the `code-c-d's ;; below will point to "nil" instead of to a real directory, and you ;; will have to rerun them at some point. ;; ;; (find-code-c-d "lean4mode" (ee-locate-library "lean4-mode")) ;; (find-code-c-d "lspmode" (ee-locate-library "lsp-mode")) (code-c-d "lean4mode" (ee-locate-library "lean4-mode")) (code-c-d "lspmode" (ee-locate-library "lsp-mode")) ;; (find-lean4modefile "") ;; (find-lspmodefile "") ;; «etc» (to ".etc") ;; (find-es "lean" "lean4-mode-vc") ;; (find-es "lsp" "lsp-mode-git") (defun l () (interactive) (find-es "lean")) (defun a () (interactive) (mkdir "/tmp/L/" t) (find-fline "/tmp/L/a.lean")) ;; See: (find-eev "eev-tlinks.el" "ee-copy-rest-3-intro") (defun cr3 () (interactive) (insert "# (ee-copy-rest-3m nil \"-- end\" \"/tmp/L/a.lean\")\n\n-- end\n")) ;;; _ _ ;;; | | ___| |___/\__ _ __ ___ __ _ ___ _ __ ___ ;;; | |/ _ \ __\ /_____| '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ __| '__/ _ \ ;;; | | __/ |_/_ _\_____| | | | | | (_| | (__| | | (_) | ;;; |_|\___|\__| \/ |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\___|_| \___/ ;;; ;; «ee-let*-macro-leandoc» (to ".ee-let*-macro-leandoc") ;; See: (find-templates-intro "7. let* macros") ;; Skel: (find-let*-macro-links "leandoc" "plist" "g kw kill baseweb gitrepo gitname") ;; Test: (ee-let*-macro-leandoc '(:usrc "~/bigsrc/") usrc) ;; (defmacro ee-let*-macro-leandoc (pl &rest code) "An internal function used by `find-leandoc-links'." `(cl-letf* ((pl ,pl) (plist (if (symbolp pl) (symbol-value pl) pl)) ((symbol-function 'g) (lambda (field) (plist-get plist field))) (kw (or (g :kw) "{kw}")) (kill (or (g :kill) "{kill}")) (k2 (or (g :k2) "{k2}")) (base (or (g :base) "{base}")) (baseweb (or (g :base-web) "{baseweb}")) (rst (or (g :rst) ".rst")) (usrc (or (g :usrc) "~/usrc/")) (gitrepo (or (g :git-repo) "{gitrepo}")) (gitsubdir (or (g :git-subdir) "")) (username user-login-name) (basewebl (ee-url-to-fname0 baseweb)) (baseweblu (format "file://%s" (ee-url-to-fname baseweb))) (baseweb- (replace-regexp-in-string "https://" "" baseweb)) (gitname (replace-regexp-in-string "^.*/\\([^/]*\\)/?$" "\\1" gitrepo)) (gitdir (or (g :git-dir) (format "%s%s/" usrc gitname))) (baserst (cond ((g :base-rst) (g :base-rst)) ((g :git-repo) (format "%s%s" gitdir gitsubdir)) (t "/BASE-RST/"))) (baserst- (replace-regexp-in-string "~/" "" baserst)) ) ,@code)) ;;; _ _ _ __ ;;; | | ___ __ _ _ __ __| | ___ ___ _ __ __| |/ _| ;;; | |/ _ \/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ / __| '_ \ / _` | |_ ;;; | | __/ (_| | | | | (_| | (_) | (__| |_) | (_| | _| ;;; |_|\___|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\___/ \___| .__/ \__,_|_| ;;; |_| ;; ;; «code-leandocpdf» (to ".code-leandocpdf") ;; Skel: (find-code-xxx-links "leandocpdf" "pl" "") ;; Test: (find-code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:lean4) ;; (defun code-leandocpdf (pl) (eval (ee-read (ee-code-leandocpdf pl)))) (defun find-code-leandocpdf (pl) (let ((ee-buffer-name (or ee-buffer-name "*find-code-leandocpdf*"))) (find-estring-elisp (ee-code-leandocpdf pl)))) (defun ee-code-leandocpdf (pl) (ee-let*-macro-leandoc pl (ee-template0 "\ ;; (find-code-leandocpdf '{(ee-S pl)}) ;; (code-leandocpdf '{(ee-S pl)}) ;; ;; The fields of this leandoc spec are (probably) here: ;; (find-eev \"eev-lean4.el\" \"ee-leandoc-:{kw}\") ;; The code that generates this temporary buffer is here: ;; (find-eev \"eev-lean4.el\" \"code-leandocpdf\") ;; Try: (find-{kw}doc \"{base}\") ;; (find-{kw}docw \"{base}\") ;; (find-{kw}docr \"{base}\") ;; (find-{kw}docrfile \"\") ;; (find-rstdoc-links :{kw}) ;; (find-code-rstdoc :{kw}) ;; (find-{kw}page) ;; (find-{kw}text) ;; The `setq' below creates a rstdoc spec from this leandoc spec. ;; See: (find-rstdoc-intro) ;; (setq ee-rstdoc-:{kw} '(:base \"{base}\" :base-web \"{baseweb}\" :base-html \"file:///home/{username}/snarf/https/{baseweb-}\" :base-rst \"{baserst}\" :rst \"{rst}\" :res (\"#.*$\" \"\\\\?.*$\" \"\\\\.html$\" \"\\\\.txt$\" \"\\\\.rst$\" \"\\\\.md$\" \"\\\\.lean$\" \"^file://+\" \"^/\" \"^home/{username}/\" \"^~/\" \"^snarf/\" \"^https:?/+\" \"^{baseweb-}\" \"^{baserst-}\") :kill {kill} )) ;; Try: (find-code-rstdoc :{kw}) (code-rstdoc :{kw}) (code-c-d \"{kw}doc\" \"{basewebl}\") ;; (find-{kw}docfile \"\") ;; (find-{kw}docfile \"\" \"print\") (code-c-d \"{kw}\" \"{gitdir}\") ;; (find-{kw}file \"\") ;; Try: (find-{kw}page) ;; (find-{kw}text) (code-pdf-page \"{kw}\" \"{basewebl}print.pdf\") (code-pdf-text8 \"{kw}\" \"{basewebl}print.pdf\") ;; Try: ({k2}l \"Copyright\") (defun {k2}l (&rest rest) (interactive) (apply 'find-leanbook-links '{kw} rest)) ;; See: (find-leandocprep-links '{(ee-S pl)}) "))) ;;; _ _ ;;; | | ___ __ _ _ __ __| | ___ ___ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ ;;; | |/ _ \/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ / __| '_ \| '__/ _ \ '_ \ ;;; | | __/ (_| | | | | (_| | (_) | (__| |_) | | | __/ |_) | ;;; |_|\___|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\___/ \___| .__/|_| \___| .__/ ;;; |_| |_| ;; ;; «find-leandocprep-links» (to ".find-leandocprep-links") ;; Skel: (find-find-links-links-new "leandocprep" "pl" "ee-buffer-name") ;; Test: (find-leandocprep-links 'ee-leandoc-:lean4) ;; (defun find-leandocprep-links (&optional pl &rest pos-spec-list) "Visit a temporary buffer containing a script for preparing the local files for the leandoc PL." (interactive) (setq pl (or pl "{pl}")) (let* ((ee-buffer-name "*find-leandocprep-links*")) (ee-let*-macro-leandoc pl (apply 'find-elinks-elisp `((find-leandocprep-links ',pl ,@pos-spec-list) ;; Convention: the first sexp always regenerates the buffer. (find-efunction 'find-leandocprep-links) "" ,(ee-template0 "\ ;; 1. Make sure that we have a local copy of the htmls: ;; (find-fline \"{basewebl}\") ;; (find-wgetrecursive-links \"{baseweb}\") ;; 2. Produce the files `print.pdf' and `print.txt'. ;; ;; a) Do we already have the print.pdf and print.txt? Check: ;; (find-fline \"{basewebl}\") ;; (find-fline \"{basewebl}\" \"print\") ;; ;; b) If not, then use `M-x brg' on the url below, and ;; make the browser print it to /tmp/print.pdf: ;; (kill-new \"/tmp/print.pdf\") ;; {baseweb}print.html ;; ;; c) Copy the `print.pdf' to the right (local) place: ;; (find-sh0 \"cp -v /tmp/print.pdf {basewebl}\") ;; ;; d) Generate the `print.txt': ;; (find-{kw}docfile \"\") ;; (find-{kw}docfile \"\" \"print\") ;; (find-{kw}docsh \"pdftotext -layout print.pdf print.txt\") ;; (find-{kw}docfile \"print.txt\") ;; ;; e) Copy the `print.pdf' to anggtwu.net: * (eepitch-eshell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-eshell) ls $S/https/{baseweb-} ls $Linp/snarf/https/{baseweb-} ls $Lins/snarf/https/{baseweb-} mkdir -p $Linp/snarf/https/{baseweb-} mkdir -p $Lins/snarf/https/{baseweb-} cp -v $S/https/{baseweb-}print.pdf \\ $Linp/snarf/https/{baseweb-} cp -v $S/https/{baseweb-}print.pdf \\ $Lins/snarf/https/{baseweb-} ;; 3. I use this to adjust how blogme htmlizes `find-{kw}doc': ;; (find-blogme3-rstdoc-links \"{kw}\") ;; ^ This only works on my machine! ;; ;; 4. Similar, but for `find-{kw}page': ;; (find-blogme3 \"sandwiches-defs.lua\") code_pdf(\"{kw}\", \"http://anggtwu.net/snarf/https/{baseweb-}print.pdf\") ") ) pos-spec-list)))) ;;; _ _ _ ;;; | | ___ __ _ _ __ | |__ ___ ___ | | __ ;;; | |/ _ \/ _` | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| |/ / ;;; | | __/ (_| | | | | |_) | (_) | (_) | < ;;; |_|\___|\__,_|_| |_|_.__/ \___/ \___/|_|\_\ ;;; ;; «find-leanbook-links» (to ".find-leanbook-links") ;; Skel: (find-find-links-links-new "leanbook" "bk secname" "ee-buffer-name") ;; Test: (find-leanbook-links 'leanmeta) ;; (defun find-leanbook-links (&optional bk secname &rest pos-spec-list) "Visit a temporary buffer containing hyperlinks for leanbook." (interactive) (setq bk (or bk "{bk}")) (setq secname (or secname "{secname}")) (let* ((ee-buffer-name (format "*(find-leanbook-links '%s ...)*" bk))) (apply 'find-elinks `((find-leanbook-links ',bk ,secname ,@pos-spec-list) (fpl ,secname) (ldl ,secname) (lml ,secname) (tcl ,secname) (tpl ,secname) ;; Convention: the first sexp always regenerates the buffer. (find-efunction 'find-leanbook-links) "" ,(ee-template0 "\ # (find-eev \"eev-lean4.el\" \"ee-leandoc-:{bk}\") # (find-{bk}doc) # (find-{bk}docw) # (find-{bk}docr) # (find-{bk}docrfile \"\") # (find-{bk}page) # (find-{bk}text) # (find-{bk}text 1 \"{secname}\") # (find-{bk}docfile \"\" \"print\") # (find-{bk}docfile \"print.txt\") # (find-{bk}docgrep \"grep --color=auto -nH --null -e '{secname}' print.txt\") ") ) pos-spec-list))) ;; «find-leanrstdoc-links» (to ".find-leanrstdoc-links") ;; Superseded by: (find-efunction 'find-code-leandocpdf) ;;; _ _ _ ;;; | | ___ __ _ _ __ | |__ ___ ___ | | _____ __ _ ___ ;;; | | / _ \/ _` | '_ \ | '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| |/ / __| / _` / __| ;;; | |__| __/ (_| | | | | | |_) | (_) | (_) | <\__ \_ | (_| \__ \ ;;; |_____\___|\__,_|_| |_| |_.__/ \___/ \___/|_|\_\___( ) \__,_|___/ ;;; _ _ |/ ;;; | | ___ __ _ _ __ __| | ___ ___ ___ _ __ ___ ___ ___ ;;; | |/ _ \/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ / __| / __| '_ \ / _ \/ __/ __| ;;; | | __/ (_| | | | | (_| | (_) | (__ \__ \ |_) | __/ (__\__ \ ;;; |_|\___|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\___/ \___| |___/ .__/ \___|\___|___/ ;;; |_| ;; «books» (to ".books") ;; «leandoc-specs» (to ".leandoc-specs") ;; «ee-leandoc-:fplean4» (to ".ee-leandoc-:fplean4") ;; "Functional Programming in Lean". ;; Try: (find-fplean4doc "introduction") ;; (find-fplean4docw "introduction") ;; (find-fplean4docr "introduction") ;; (find-fplean4docrfile "") ;; (find-rstdoc-links :fplean4) ;; (find-code-rstdoc :fplean4) ;; (find-fplean4page) ;; (find-fplean4text) (setq ee-leandoc-:fplean4 '(:kw "fplean4" :kill "fpk" :k2 "fp" :rst ".md" :base-web "https://lean-lang.org/functional_programming_in_lean/" :git-repo "https://github.com/leanprover/fp-lean" :git-subdir "functional-programming-lean/src/" :base "introduction" )) ;; (find-code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:fplean4) (code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:fplean4) ;; «ee-leandoc-:lean4» (to ".ee-leandoc-:lean4") ;; "Lean Manual". ;; Try: (find-lean4doc "whatIsLean") ;; (find-lean4docw "whatIsLean") ;; (find-lean4docr "whatIsLean.md") ;; (find-lean4docrfile "") ;; (find-rstdoc-links :lean4) ;; (find-code-rstdoc :lean4) ;; (find-lean4page) ;; (find-lean4text) (setq ee-leandoc-:lean4 '(:kw "lean4" :kill "ldk" :k2 "ld" :base-web "https://lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/" :git-repo "https://github.com/leanprover/lean4" :usrc "~/bigsrc/" :base-rst "~/bigsrc/lean4/doc/" :base "whatIsLean" :rst "" )) ;; (find-code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:lean4) (code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:lean4) ;; «ee-leandoc-:leanmeta» (to ".ee-leandoc-:leanmeta") ;; "Metaprogramming in Lean 4". ;; Try: (find-leanmetadoc "main/01_intro") ;; (find-leanmetadocw "main/01_intro") ;; (find-leanmetadocr "main/01_intro") ;; (find-leanmetadocrfile "") ;; (find-rstdoc-links :leanmeta) ;; (find-code-rstdoc :leanmeta) ;; (find-leanmetapage) ;; (find-leanmetatext) (setq ee-leandoc-:leanmeta '(:kw "leanmeta" :kill "lmk" :k2 "lm" :rst ".lean" :base-web "https://leanprover-community.github.io/lean4-metaprogramming-book/" :git-repo "https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean4-metaprogramming-book" :git-subdir "lean/" :base "main/01_intro" )) ;; (find-code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:leanmeta) (code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:leanmeta) ;; «ee-leandoc-:tclean4» (to ".ee-leandoc-:tclean4") ;; "Type Checking in Lean 4". ;; Try: (find-tclean4doc "title_page") ;; (find-tclean4docw "title_page") ;; (find-tclean4docr "title_page") ;; (find-tclean4docrfile "") ;; (find-rstdoc-links :tclean4) ;; (find-code-rstdoc :tclean4) ;; (find-tclean4page) ;; (find-tclean4text) (setq ee-leandoc-:tclean4 '(:kw "tclean4" :kill "tck" :k2 "tc" :rst ".md" :base-web "https://ammkrn.github.io/type_checking_in_lean4/" :git-repo "https://github.com/ammkrn/type_checking_in_lean4" :git-subdir "src/" :base "title_page" )) ;; (find-code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:tclean4) (code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:tclean4) ;; ;; (find-2a nil '(find-leanrstdoc-links 'ee-leandoc-:tclean4)) ;; «ee-leandoc-:tpil4» (to ".ee-leandoc-:tpil4") ;; "Theorem Proving in Lean 4". ;; Try: (find-tpil4doc "introduction") ;; (find-tpil4docw "introduction") ;; (find-tpil4docr "introduction") ;; (find-tpil4docrfile "") ;; (find-rstdoc-links :tpil4) ;; (find-code-rstdoc :tpil4) ;; (find-tpil4page) ;; (find-tpil4text) (setq ee-leandoc-:tpil4 '(:kw "tpil4" :kill "tpk" :k2 "tp" :rst ".md" :base-web "https://lean-lang.org/theorem_proving_in_lean4/" :git-repo "https://github.com/leanprover/theorem_proving_in_lean4" :git-subdir "" :base "introduction" )) ;; (find-code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:tpil4) (code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:tpil4) (provide 'eev-lean4) ;; Local Variables: ;; coding: utf-8-unix ;; no-byte-compile: t ;; End: