Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
# E-scripts on "other" Forths.
# Note 1: use the eev command (defined in eev.el) and the
# ee alias (in my .zshrc) to execute parts of this file.
# Executing this file as a whole makes no sense.
# An introduction to eev can be found here:
#   (find-eev-quick-intro)
#   http://angg.twu.net/eev-intros/find-eev-quick-intro.html
# Note 2: be VERY careful and make sure you understand what
# you're doing.
# Note 3: If you use a shell other than zsh things like |&
# and the for loops may not work.
# Note 4: I always run as root.
# Note 5: some parts are too old and don't work anymore. Some
# never worked.
# Note 6: the definitions for the find-xxxfile commands are on my
# .emacs.
# Note 7: if you see a strange command check my .zshrc -- it may
# be defined there as a function or an alias.
# Note 8: the sections without dates are always older than the
# sections with dates.
# This file is at <http://angg.twu.net/e/fortho.e>
#           or at <http://angg.twu.net/e/fortho.e.html>.
#        See also <http://angg.twu.net/emacs.html>,
#                 <http://angg.twu.net/.emacs[.html]>,
#                 <http://angg.twu.net/.zshrc[.html]>,
#                 <http://angg.twu.net/escripts.html>,
#             and <http://angg.twu.net/>.

# «.forth-systems»		(to "forth-systems")
# «.cmforth»			(to "cmforth")
# «.muforth»			(to "muforth")
# «.c4th»			(to "c4th")
# «.c4th-dosemu»		(to "c4th-dosemu")
# «.4word»			(to "4word")
# «.timbre»			(to "timbre")
# «.ficl»			(to "ficl")
# «.maslicke-colorforth»	(to "maslicke-colorforth")
# «.sod32»			(to "sod32")
# «.amrforth»			(to "amrforth")
# «.chuck-quote»		(to "chuck-quote")
# «.tile-forth»			(to "tile-forth")
# «.forthos»			(to "forthos")
# «.f83»			(to "f83")
# «.twee-editors»		(to "twee-editors")
# «.xcolorforth»		(to "xcolorforth")
# «.retroforth»			(to "retroforth")
# «.retro-2011»			(to "retro-2011")
# «.laforth»			(to "laforth")
# «.rubyforth»			(to "rubyforth")
# «.rubyforth-uploading»	(to "rubyforth-uploading")
# «.rubyforth-angg»		(to "rubyforth-angg")
# «.rubyforth-demos»		(to "rubyforth-demos")
# «.modal-logic»		(to "modal-logic")
# «.inspect»			(to "inspect")
# «.R_stack_broken»		(to "R_stack_broken")
# «.R_stack»			(to "R_stack")
# «.ruby-and-prim-blocks»	(to "ruby-and-prim-blocks")
# «.miniforth-article-corr»	(to "miniforth-article-corr")
# «.foerthchen»			(to "foerthchen")
# «.factor»			(to "factor")
# «.joy»			(to "joy")
# «.stacle»			(to "stacle")
# «.forth-chips»		(to "forth-chips")
# «.lbforth»			(to "lbforth")
# «.reforth»			(to "reforth")
# «.svfig-2019-chuck»		(to "svfig-2019-chuck")
# «.strange-loop-2013»		(to "strange-loop-2013")
# «.forth-dimensions»		(to "forth-dimensions")
# «.miniforth-and-joy»		(to "miniforth-and-joy")

# forth-systems
# 2019dec08

# «forth-systems» (to ".forth-systems")
# https://github.com/ForthHub/wiki/wiki/Forth-Systems
# https://github.com/ForthHub/discussion/issues/19 Forth Systems

# F21 emulator

# (find-es "dos" "dosemu_slink_4dos")

cd $S/http/www.ultratechnology.com/
# (find-fline "$S/http/www.ultratechnology.com/")
# (find-fline "$S/http/www.ultratechnology.com/f21emu/")
# (find-fline "$S/http/www.ultratechnology.com/f21sim/")

rm -Rv /tmp/dos/f21emu
mkdir  /tmp/dos/f21emu
cd     /tmp/dos/f21emu
unzip -L $S/http/www.ultratechnology.com/f21emu/f21emu12.zip

dos -c -e 8192
dos -c -x 8192

# http://www.spiritone.com/~fwarren/fpc.html
unzip -l /snarf/ftp/ftp.taygeta.com/pub/Forth/Compilers/native/dos/FPC/fpc36.zip

# dynoof 0.1.5

cd /usr/src/
rm -Rv dynoof-0.1.5/
tar -xvzf /snarf/ftp/ftp.taygeta.com/Taygeta/Forth/Linux/dynoof-0.1.5.tgz
cd /usr/src/dynoof-0.1.5/
# (find-fline "/usr/src/dynoof-0.1.5/README.Linux")
# (find-fline "/usr/src/dynoof-0.1.5/Makefile" "mkindex >Indexes.ah")
# diff -e Makefile~ Makefile
ed Makefile <<'---'
	./mkindex >Indexes.ah
make config |& tee omc
make |& tee om

# 99nov10: not working, gcc gives a funny error:
# (find-fline "/usr/src/dynoof-0.1.5/om" "fixed or forbidden register 0 (ax)")

# bigforth 23nov97

cd /snarf/http/www.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/~paysan/
bunzip2 bigforth-bin-23nov97.tar.bz2
bunzip2 bigforth-data-23nov97.tar.bz2
bunzip2 bigforth-src-23nov97.tar.bz2

bunzip2 bigforth-src-29dec97.tar.bz2

cd /usr/src/
rm -Rv bigforth/
tar -xvf /snarf/http/www.jwdt.com/~paysan/bigforth-bin-23nov97.tar
tar -xvf /snarf/http/www.jwdt.com/~paysan/bigforth-data-23nov97.tar
tar -xvf /snarf/http/www.jwdt.com/~paysan/bigforth-src-23nov97.tar
# tar -xvf /snarf/http/www.jwdt.com/~paysan/bigforth-src-29dec97.tar
cd /usr/src/bigforth/
make all |& tee oma

# for i in (*.scr)
# do ~/ICON/scr2str $i | tr

~/ICON/scr2str assem486.scr	> assem486.st
~/ICON/scr2str bench.scr	> bench.st
~/ICON/scr2str complex.scr	> complex.st
~/ICON/scr2str disass.scr	> disass.st
~/ICON/scr2str edit.scr	> edit.st
~/ICON/scr2str fft.scr	> fft.st
~/ICON/scr2str file.scr	> file.st
~/ICON/scr2str fileint.scr	> fileint.st
~/ICON/scr2str fileop.scr	> fileop.st
~/ICON/scr2str float.scr	> float.st
~/ICON/scr2str forth.scr	> forth.st
~/ICON/scr2str ftast.scr	> ftast.st
~/ICON/scr2str infix.scr	> infix.st
~/ICON/scr2str oof.scr	> oof.st
~/ICON/scr2str oofsampl.scr	> oofsampl.st
~/ICON/scr2str output.scr	> output.st
~/ICON/scr2str pipes.scr	> pipes.st
~/ICON/scr2str savemod.scr	> savemod.st
~/ICON/scr2str sedit.scr	> sedit.st
~/ICON/scr2str startup.scr	> startup.st
~/ICON/scr2str stream.scr	> stream.st
~/ICON/scr2str struct.scr	> struct.st
~/ICON/scr2str target.scr	> target.st
~/ICON/scr2str tasker.scr	> tasker.st
~/ICON/scr2str tools.scr	> tools.st
~/ICON/scr2str vectors.scr	> vectors.st
~/ICON/scr2str xwidgets.scr	> xwidgets.st

glimpseindex -H . *.st *.str *.m

# From a hint Bernd Paysan gave me...
cat > tags.str <<'EOF'
: tags context @ LIST> dup 2- w@ (view file? . cell+ .name cr ;
cr ." ----" cr tags cr bye

bigforth "include forth.scr include tags.str" \
  > forthker.tags

forthker "include startup.scr include tags.str" \
  > bigforth.tags

bigforth 'include xwidgets.scr include edit.scr include login.str '\
         'include ptty.str include tags.str' \
  > xbigforth.tags

~/ICON/ftags < forthker.tags > TAGS.forthker
~/ICON/ftags < bigforth.tags > TAGS.bigforth
~/ICON/ftags < xbigforth.tags > TAGS.xbigforth

# rm TAGS
ln -s TAGS.xbigforth TAGS

# (find-bftag "create")

# (find-bffile "README" 27)
export BROWSER=/usr/src/netscape/netscape
# Indented lines mean "type yourself". Each line is a different thing/demo.
  ed edit.scr
  include minos.str designer open
  include testwidgets.str
  include gears.m gears open

# (find-bffile "Makefile")
# (find-bffile "startup.st" 24)
# (find-bffile "forth.st" 1311)

# (find-bffile "forth.st" 280)
# (find-bffile "fileint.st" 654)
# (find-bffile "forth.st" 2479)
# (find-bffile "forth.st" 1441)

# (find-bffile "forth.st" 1496)

# *.st *.str *.m
# (find-bffile "edit.st" 928)

# Bigforth 11apr1999: preparing it to run

cd $S/http/www.jwdt.com/~paysan/
for i in bin-glibc bin-libc5 data doc src edata-ShinyMetal edata-wood; do
  bunzip2 -v bigforth-$i-11apr1999.tar.bz2
  gzip -v -9 bigforth-$i-11apr1999.tar

# See it
tar -tvzf $PAYSAN/bigforth-bin-glibc-11apr1999.tar.gz
tar -tvzf $PAYSAN/bigforth-data-11apr1999.tar.gz
tar -tvzf $PAYSAN/bigforth-doc-11apr1999.tar.gz
tar -tvzf $PAYSAN/bigforth-src-11apr1999.tar.gz
tar -tvzf $PAYSAN/bigforth-edata-ShinyMetal-11apr1999.tar.gz
tar -tvzf $PAYSAN/bigforth-edata-wood-11apr1999.tar.gz

rm -Rv /usr/src/bigforth/
mkdir  /usr/src/bigforth/
cd     /usr/src/
tar -xvzf $PAYSAN/bigforth-bin-glibc-11apr1999.tar.gz
tar -xvzf  $PAYSAN/bigforth-data-11apr1999.tar.gz
#tar -xvzf $PAYSAN/bigforth-doc-11apr1999.tar.gz
tar -xvzf $PAYSAN/bigforth-src-11apr1999.tar.gz
#tar -xvzf $PAYSAN/bigforth-edata-ShinyMetal-11apr1999.tar.gz
#tar -xvzf $PAYSAN/bigforth-edata-wood-11apr1999.tar.gz
cd     /usr/src/bigforth/
echo ': rr s" /home/root/FORTH/emacs.rr" included ;' >> bigforth.cnf

rm bigforth
make bigforth |& tee ombf

# rm bigforth forthker.sys
# make |& tee om
# rm bigforth.sys
# make bigforth.sys |& tee om2
# rm xbigforth.sys *.bfm
# make xbigforth.sys |& tee om2

for i in *.scr; do echo $i; ~/ICON/deblock < $i > ${i}z; done

# My first mail to the bigforth list:
# (find-fline "$MAIL" "Hi bpaysan,")

# Bigforth 11apr1999: learning more

# (find-bffile "ediwind.str" "file-menu:")
# (find-bffile "tools.scrz" ": see")
# (find-bffile "forth.scrz" "\n: cfa@")

: foo1 ( "w" -- addr )	name find 0= abort" not found" ;
: foo2 ( "w" -- addr )	foo1 >name ;
: ncount ( addr -- addr+1 count )	dup c@ 1f and swap 1+ swap ;
: foo3 ( "w" -- )	foo2 ncount type ;

foo2 see 20 - 40 dump
foo3 see

foo2 see .name

: words. ( -- ) context @ list> cr . ;
: words.2 ( -- ) context @ list> cr dup . cell+ .name ;

: foo0 ( "w" -- addr ) foo2 4 - ;

: ndump ( addr -- addr+ ) 0 do count 2 u.r space loop ;
: .word3 ( addr -- ) dup .
    ncount 2dup type +
    5 ndump ;
: words.3 ( -- ) context @ list> cr .word3 drop ;

: "addr:" ( x -- x ) dup 8 u.r ." : " ;
: "<word>" ( addr -- addr+4 ) dup @ 8 u.r space 4 + ;
: "<byte>" ( addr -- addr+1 ) dup c@ 2 u.r space 1 + ;
: "<name>" ( addr -- addr+ ) ncount 2dup type space + ;
: "<flags+name>" ( addr -- addr+ ) "<byte>" 1- "<name>" ;
: .word4 ( addr -- addr+ ) "addr:" "<word>" "<flags+name>" 5 ndump ;

foo0 see cr .word4 .
' foo0 .

3 u.r 

# (find-bffile "minos-load.str" ": S[")
# (find-bffile "forth.scrz")

# (find-bffile "bigforth.c")
# (find-bffile "Makefile" "forthker.sys:")

# (find-bffile "xwidgets.scrz" "script.icn")
# (find-bffile "menu.str")

# (find-bffile "Makefile")
# (find-bffile "README")
# (find-paysanfile "bigforth-bin-glibc-11apr1999.tar.gz")
# (find-paysanfile "bigforth-src-11apr1999.tar.gz")

# (find-bffile "ombf")

gcc -Wall -DDATE='"'"$(date '+%d%b%Y' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')"'"' \
  -DINSTDIR='"'"/usr/local/lib/bigforth"'"' -E bigforth.c > bigforth.E
# (find-bffile "bigforth.E")

ls -i /lib /usr/lib /usr/X11R6/lib | sort

# (find-bffile "menu.str")
# (find-fline "~/s")
# (find-fline "~/s2")

# (find-enode "Editing Binary Files")
# (find-efile "hexl.el")

# Idéias pro meu Forth

No início não tenho nenhum word de divisão (acho). A coisa mais básica
é saber parsear um word e encontrar o correspondente a ele no
dicionário. De repente isso pode até ser feito em C, que é fácil de
debugar, e que vai me permitir alterar a estrutura do dicionário mais

# (find-fline "$S/ftp/ftp.taygeta.com/Taygeta/Forth/Linux/")
# (find-fline "$S/ftp/ftp.taygeta.com/Taygeta/Forth/Linux/linux-eforth-1.0c.tar.gz")
# (find-fline "$S/ftp/ftp.taygeta.com/Taygeta/Forth/Linux/e/eforth.S")
# (find-fline "$S/ftp/ftp.taygeta.com/Taygeta/Forth/Linux/e/Makefile")

cd /tmp/
cp $S/ftp/ftp.taygeta.com/Taygeta/Forth/Linux/e/eforth.S .
cp $S/ftp/ftp.taygeta.com/Taygeta/Forth/Linux/e/Makefile .
gcc -o eforth eforth.S

cd $S/ftp/ftp.taygeta.com/Taygeta/Forth/Linux/e/

# (find-fline "/snarf/ftp/ftp.IAEhv.nl/pub/users/mhx/")
# (find-fline "$S/http/www.ultratechnology.com/")

# yforth

pdsc /big/slinks2/dists/slink/main/source/interpreters/yforth_0.1beta-9.dsc
cd /usr/src/yforth-0.1beta/
debian/rules binary |& tee odrb


# perpol
# 2000jul06

# «perpol»
# (find-es "anatocc" "easynasm")
# (find-fline "/usr/src/easynasm/easynasm" "--leavejunk")

rm -Rv /usr/src/perpol/
cd /usr/src/
tar -xvzf $S/http/www.boswa.com/misc/forth/perpol.tgz
cd /usr/src/perpol/

# (find-fline "/usr/src/perpol/")
# (find-fline "/usr/src/perpol/notes.txt")
# (find-fline "/usr/src/perpol/notes.txt" "Usage:")
# (find-fline "/usr/src/perpol/perpol")

cd /usr/src/perpol/samples/
/usr/src/perpol/perpol arith.ppl
/usr/src/easynasm/easynasm --leavejunk arith.asm

# (find-fline "/usr/src/perpol/samples/")
# (find-fline "/usr/src/perpol/samples/arith.ppl")
# (find-fline "/usr/src/perpol/samples/arith.asm")
# (find-fline "/usr/src/perpol/samples/easynasm.temp.asm")
# (find-fline "/usr/src/perpol/samples/easynasm.temp.c")

# eforth
# 2000jun23

# «eforth»
# (code-c-d "eforth" "/usr/src/eforth-1.0e/")

rm -Rv /usr/src/linux-eforth-1.0e/
rm -Rv /usr/src/eforth-1.0e/
cd     /usr/src/
tar -xvzf $S/http/fare.tunes.org/files/asm/linux-eforth-1.0e.tar.gz
mv     linux-eforth-1.0e/ eforth-1.0e/
cd     /usr/src/eforth-1.0e/

# NUF? doesn't like buffered terminals and so
# WORDS and DUMP and SEE aren't working well.
# Fix it with a crude hack.

# (find-eforthfile "eforth.4th" "NUF?")
# (find-eforthfile "eforth.S" "NUF?")
#diff -c eforth.S~ eforth.S |& tee ~/o
patch -p0 <<'%%%'
*** eforth.S~	Wed Jun 16 12:36:30 1999
--- eforth.S	Sat Jun 24 18:47:30 2000
*** 1842,1847 ****
--- 1842,1848 ----
  /*		Return false if no input, else pause and if CR return true. */
+ 		.long	DOLIT,0,EXIT	/* Edrx: always return 0 immediately */
  		.long	QKEY,DUPP
  		.long	QBRAN,NUFQ1
  		.long	DDROP,KEY

cd     /usr/src/eforth-1.0e/
make test	|& tee omt
grep -v '^[ 	]*$' eforth.s > eforth.s-

echo 'WORDS BYE'	| eforth echo	; echo
echo 'SEE DUMP'		| eforth | dd count=1 2> /dev/null	; echo
# (find-node "(zsh)Redirection")


# (find-eforthfile "eforth.S")
# (find-eforthfile "eforth.S" "#define __COLON")
# (find-eforthfile "eforth.S" "#define __CODE(")
# (find-eforthfile "eforth.s-")

# (find-eforthfile "eforth.S" "macros to debug eForth")
# (find-eforthfile "eforth.S" "debugging functions")
# (find-eforthfile "eforth.S" "GDB macros")
# (find-node "(gdb)Auto Display" "display/FMT")
# (find-node "(gdb)Memory" "x/NFU")
# (find-node "(gdb)Auto Display" "enable display")

# eforth: trying to rewrite DUMP and WORDS without NUF?.
# 2000jun23

# (find-eforthfile "eforth.4th" ": WORDS")
# (find-eforthfile "eforth.S"  "\"WORDS\"")
# (find-eforthfile "eforth.s-" "\"WORDS\"")

cd /usr/src/eforth-1.0e/
./eforth <<'---'
CONTEXT @ @ 1 CELLS - @ 1 CELLS - @ .ID

# (find-eforthfile "eforth.4th" ": DUMP")
# (find-eforthfile "eforth.S"  "\"DUMP\"")
# (find-eforthfile "eforth.s-" "\"DUMP\"")

cd /usr/src/eforth-1.0e/
./eforth <<'---'
: D ( a -- a+16 )  BASE @ >R HEX
  16 +  CR         R> BASE ! ;
: FOOBIE ." Hi!" CR ;
: 1+2    1 2 + ;
' DUMP   16 - D D D  .S DROP
' FOOBIE 16 - D D D  .S DROP
' 1+2    16 - D D D  .S DROP

CONTEXT @ @ 160 - D D D D  D D D D  D D D D


cd /usr/src/eforth-1.0e/
eforth &
cat /proc/$(pidof eforth)/maps

# (code-c-d "eforth" "/usr/src/eforth-1.0e/")
# (find-eforthfile "")
# (find-eforthfile "eforth.4th")
# (find-eforthfile "test.4th")

# (find-eforthfile "eforth.4th" ": WORDS")
eeg /usr/src/eforth-1.0e/eforth
# Buggy!

# cmForth
# 2000jul20 / 2019dec08

# «cmforth»  (to ".cmforth")
# https://github.com/ForthHub/cmFORTH

# (code-c-d "taygeta" "$S/ftp/ftp.uni-bremen.de/pub/mirrors/Taygeta-Archive/")
# (find-taygetafile "Archive/others/")

# (find-e20file "jka-compr.el")
# Where is the .arc support?
# (find-e20file "arc-mode.el")
# It only understands the dir structure.

# (find-fline "~/FORTH/")
cd ~/FORTH/
cat cmforth.blk.txt \
  | awk '{ if ($0 ~ /«/) printf "\\ «screen_%d:»\n", n++; else print }' \
  |& tee cmforth.blk.txt2
cat cmforthx.scr.txt \
  | awk '{ if ($0 ~ /«/) printf "\\ «screen_%d:»\n", n++; else print }' \
  |& tee cmforthx.scr.txt2

# (find-fline "~/FORTH/cmforth.blk.txt2")
# (find-fline "~/FORTH/cmforthx.scr.txt2")
# (find-angg "FORTH/cmforth.blk.txt2" "screen_33:")
# (find-angg "FORTH/cmforth.blk.txt2" "screen_1:")
# (find-angg "FORTH/cmforthx.scr.txt2")

# http://rm-f.net/~orange/arc/cmforth.zip
# http://rm-f.net/~orange/devel/forth/cmforth.zip
# http://rm-f.net/~orange/arc/forth/
# http://rm-f.net/~orange/arc/forth/pygmy15.zip
# http://rm-f.net/~orange/arc/forth/pygtools.zip

# (find-shttpfile "rm-f.net/~orange/arc/cmforth.zip")
# (find-shttpfile "rm-f.net/~orange/devel/forth/cmforth.zip")
# (find-shttpfile "rm-f.net/~orange/arc/forth/")
# (find-shttpfile "rm-f.net/~orange/arc/forth/pygmy15.zip")
# (find-shttpfile "rm-f.net/~orange/arc/forth/pygtools.zip")

# muforth
# 2019dec08

# «muforth» (to ".muforth")
# http://c2.com/cybords/pp4.cgi?muforth/README

# f-cpu docs
# 2000oct30

# Interesting mainly because it is "free";
# Seems to have a bloated architecture.
rm -Rv /tmp/manual/
cd /tmp/
tar -xvzf $S/http/www.mime.up8.edu/~whygee/fcpu_manual.tgz
cd /tmp/manual/
# (find-fline "/tmp/manual/")


# c4th
# 2000jan16

# «c4th»  (to ".c4th")
# (find-shttpw3 "www.users.qwest.net/~loveall/")
unzip -l $S/http/www.users.qwest.net/~loveall/binary/c4th100.zip
unzip -l $S/http/www.users.qwest.net/~loveall/binary/4thice22.zip
unzip -l $S/http/www.users.qwest.net/~loveall/binary/Debug05.zip

rm -Rv /usr/src/c4th/
cd /usr/src/
unzip $S/http/www.users.qwest.net/~loveall/binary/c4th100.zip

mkdir /usr/src/c4th/4thice/
cd    /usr/src/c4th/4thice/
unzip $S/http/www.users.qwest.net/~loveall/binary/4thice22.zip

mkdir /usr/src/c4th/debug/
cd    /usr/src/c4th/debug/
unzip $S/http/www.users.qwest.net/~loveall/binary/Debug05.zip

# (find-htetfile "Assembly-HOWTO.txt.gz")
# (find-sftpfile "x2ftp.oulu.fi/pub/msdos/programming/convert/ta2asv08.zip")
mkdir /usr/src/c4th/ta2as/
cd    /usr/src/c4th/ta2as/
unzip -L $S/ftp/x2ftp.oulu.fi/pub/msdos/programming/convert/ta2asv08.zip
cp -v ta2as.exe ..

# «c4th-dosemu»  (to ".c4th-dosemu")
# (find-es "dos" "dosemu-0")
# (find-fline "/usr/src/c4th/")
cd /usr/src/c4th/
cp -v * /tmp/testdos/

# (find-fline "/usr/src/c4th/")
# (find-fline "/usr/src/c4th/!Readme.1st")
# (find-fline "/usr/src/c4th/!Readme.1st" " QUICK START:")
cat > $EEG <<'---'
 tcl: ac {^[} square {^]} {dup * ;} ^_ ^M
 tcl: ac {^[} cube {^]} {dup square * ;} ^_ ^M
 tcl: ac ^X 4 ^_ "square ." ^M 
 tcl: ac ^X 5 ^_ "cube ." ^M 
 tcl: ac bye ^M
eeg2 -c allowtcl dos

# timbre
# 2001feb11

# «timbre»  (to ".timbre")
# (find-shttpw3 "www.compusmart.ab.ca/rc/Timbre/timbre.htm")
# (find-shttpw3 "www.compusmart.ab.ca/rc/Timbre/TimbreUnitII.html")

gv $S/http/www.compusmart.ab.ca/rc/Timbre/Resources/papers.ps/bilingual.ps &
gv $S/http/www.compusmart.ab.ca/rc/Timbre/Resources/papers.ps/cwoc.ps &
gv $S/http/www.compusmart.ab.ca/rc/Timbre/Resources/papers.ps/ithastim.ps &
gv $S/http/www.compusmart.ab.ca/rc/Timbre/Resources/papers.ps/stackver.ps &
gv $S/http/www.compusmart.ab.ca/rc/Timbre/Resources/papers.ps/tranfram.ps &

rm -Rv /usr/src/timbre/
mkdir  /usr/src/timbre/
cd     /usr/src/timbre/
tar -xvzf $S/http/www.compusmart.ab.ca/rc/Timbre/V.7/Unix.tar.Z
mv -v Unix/* .
rmdir Unix

cd     /usr/src/timbre/Sources/
#mv Makefile Makefile.orig
#sed "s/^	@ /	/g" < Makefile.orig > Makefile
#make sun    |& tee omsun
gcc -g -o sun -O -Dunix -Dfpos_t=int kernel.c ii.c io.c library.c \
  shells.c xtras.c theend.c localio.c signals.c file.c aoloader.c \
  timeout.c auto.c ties.c timbre.c memmove.c

cp -v sun ../timbre

cd /usr/src/timbre/Scripts/
cd /usr/src/timbre/Scripts/ForthtoC/
cat > $EEG <<'---'
eeg /usr/src/timbre/timbre

for i in timbre.[ch]; do mv $i $i.orig; tr \\r \\n < $i.orig > $i; done
# (find-timbrefile "Scripts/")
# (find-timbrefile "Scripts/ForthtoC/")
# (find-timbrefile "Sources/")
# (find-timbrefile "Sources/kernel.c")

#gcc -g -I/usr/src/timbre/Sources -o timbre timbre.c
gcc -g -I/usr/src/timbre/Sources -o timbre timbre.c	|& tee ogcc

# (code-c-d "timbre" "/usr/src/timbre/")
# (find-timbrefile "")
# (find-timbrefile "Sources/")
# (find-timbrefile "Sources/README")
# (find-timbrefile "Sources/Makefile" "sun :")

# 4word
# 2001feb19

# «4word»  (to ".4word")
# (to "c4th-dosemu")
rm -Rv /usr/src/4word/
cd /usr/src/
unzip $S/http/www.users.qwest.net/~loveall/binary/4word15.zip
cd /usr/src/4word/

tr -d \\r < 4word.lst > 4word.lst.u

cd /usr/src/4word/
cp -v * /tmp/testdos/

# (code-c-d "4word" "/usr/src/4word/")
# (find-4wordfile "")
# (find-4wordfile "ColorMan.txt")
# (find-4wordfile "ReadMe.txt")
# (find-4wordfile "ReadMe.txt" "'words' and 'dis'")
# (find-4wordfile "ReadMe.txt" "Hex Control ASCII   MODE")
# (find-4wordfile "ReadMe.txt" "only 13 control keys which are:")
# (find-4wordfile "ReadMe.txt" "4word dbg help:")
# (find-4wordfile "4word.asm" "':'")
# (find-4wordfile "4word.asm" "$code\tmacro")
# (find-4wordfile "4word.asm" "do macro")
# (find-4wordfile "g.bat")

# (find-4wordfile "4word.lst")
# (find-4wordfile "4word.lst.u")
# (find-angg ".emacs" "hscroll-keys-mode")
# (find-enode "Display Vars" "`tab-width'")
# (progn (find-4wordfile "4word.lst.u") (hscroll-keys-mode 1))
# (progn (find-4wordfile "4word.lst.u") (setq tab-width 4))

cat > $EEG <<'---'
4word N 5 N 6 + u. bye
rem  4word fload 4wboot.p 
rem  4word fload 4wboot.p fload 4wdbg.p fload 4wcedit.p de
4word fload 4wBoot.p fload 4wDbg.p fload 4wCedit.p
N A 1 - .
: square ] dup ] * ;  2 square .
tcl: ac {^[^[quare^]dup^]* ;  3 quare . ^M}
' square dis
tcl: ac { } { } { }

' quare ' dis dbg
tcl: ac { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }

tcl: ac { } { } { }

eeg2 -c allowtcl dos

# ficl
# 2001dec01 / 2019feb10

# «ficl»  (to ".ficl")
# http://ficl.sourceforge.net/
# http://ficl.sourceforge.net/links.html
# http://ficl.sourceforge.net/oop.html
# http://ficl.sourceforge.net/parsesteps.html
rm -Rv /usr/src/ficl/
mkdir  /usr/src/ficl/
cd     /usr/src/ficl/
tar -xvzf $S/http/prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ficl/ficl300a.tar.gz
# Only ReadMe.txt was in .
mv -v ficl/* .
rmdir ficl

cd /usr/src/ficl/
make -f Makefile.linux |& tee om

cd /usr/src/ficl/
cat > $EEG <<'---'
see space
eeg ficl

# (code-c-d "ficl" "/usr/src/ficl/")
# (find-ficlfile "")

tar -tvzf $S/http/www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bay/2334/4th-33a.tgz

# Mark Slicker's version of Chuck's ColorForth, compilable from Linux
# 2001nov30

# «maslicke-colorforth»  (to ".maslicke-colorforth")
# (find-shttpfile "www.oakland.edu/~maslicke/colorforth/")
# (find-shttpw3 "www.oakland.edu/~maslicke/colorforth/")
rm -Rv /tmp/colorforth/
mkdir  /tmp/colorforth/
cd $S/http/www.oakland.edu/~maslicke/colorforth/ && \
  cp -diPpvR * /tmp/colorforth/
cd     /tmp/colorforth/

cp -v $S/ftp/ftp.ultratechnology.com/COLOR.COM .

# (find-fline "/tmp/colorforth/")
# (find-fline "/tmp/colorforth/compile")

as -o color.o color.s
if test -a color.o; then
  objcopy -O binary color.o color.com
  cp color.com color.com.orig
  # rm color.o
  dd if=COLOR.COM of=color.com \
    ibs=1024 obs=1024 bs=1024 count=51 seek=12 skip=12

# (find-fline "/tmp/colorforth/")
# (find-fline "/tmp/colorforth/write_floppy")

cd /tmp/colorforth/
dd if=color.com of=/dev/fd0


# (find-fline "/tmp/colorforth/")
# (find-fline "/tmp/colorforth/color.s" ".include \"boot.s\"")
# (find-fline "/tmp/colorforth/boot.s")

# sod32
# 2001dec05 / 2016aug10

# «sod32»  (to ".sod32")
# https://lennartb.home.xs4all.nl/forth.html
# https://lennartb.home.xs4all.nl/sod32.tar.gz

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
rm -Rv ~/usrc/sod32/
tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \
cd     ~/usrc/sod32/
cp -v sod32.doc sod32.doc.txt
make asm386	|& tee om

./sod32 forth.img
  134 2 * .
  S" sod32.4"
  \ SOD32 forth.img

# (code-c-d "sod32" "~/usrc/sod32/")
# (find-sod32file "")
# (find-sod32file "README")
# (find-sod32file "README" "make asm386")
# (find-sod32file "sod32.doc.txt")
# (find-sod32file "sod32.doc.txt" "1.3 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS")

# amrforth
# 2001dec10

# «amrforth»  (to ".amrforth")
rm -Rv /usr/src/amrforth/
tar -xvzf $S/http/www.amresearch.com/amrforth/amrforthv5.0beta-024.tar.gz \
  -C /usr/src/
cd /usr/src/amrforth/

# (code-c-d "amr" "/usr/src/amrforth/")
# (find-amrfile "")
# (find-amrfile "source/README" "amrForth hardware")

# isforth
# 2001dec14

rm -Rv /usr/src/isforth/
mkdir  /usr/src/isforth/
cd     /usr/src/isforth/
tar -xvzf $S/http/retro.tunes.org/pub/isforth/isforth-tcn-08-15-01.tgz

# (code-c-d "isforth" "/usr/src/isforth/src/")
# (find-isforthfile "README")
# (find-isforthfile "")

# retro4b
# 2001dec14

rm -Rv /usr/src/retro/
cd /usr/src/
unzip $S/http/retro.tunes.org/pub/retro4b.zip
cd /usr/src/retro/

# (code-c-d "retro" "/usr/src/retro/")
# (find-retrofile "readme")
# (find-retrofile "")

# pigmy
# 2001dec10



# The "five lines/two years" quote
# 2001dec05

# «chuck-quote»  (to ".chuck-quote")
# http://www.ultratechnology.com/mmeta.html
# (find-shttpw3 "www.ultratechnology.com/mmeta.html" "about five lines")

Mike Perry relates a story about Chuck's CAD system which ran
on the board whose design it had been written for.  Chuck
showed Mike that he had written the core of the CAD application
in about five lines of code.  When Mike asked him how long it
had taken, he replied, "Oh, about two years."

# tile-forth
# 2002sep16

# «tile-forth»  (to ".tile-forth")
# (code-c-d "tile" "$usr_src/tile-forth-2.1/")
# (find-tilefile "")
rm -Rv $usr_src/tile-forth-2.1/
cd     $usr_src/
tar -xvzf $S/http/ftp.gnu.org/non-gnu/tile-forth/tile-forth-2.1.tar.gz
cd     $usr_src/tile-forth-2.1/

# forthos
# 2002dec23

# «forthos»  (to ".forthos")
lynx http://cliki.tunes.org:8000/Forth%20OSes
tar -tvzf $S/http/www.forthos.org/dist/forthos07.tz
# (code-c-d "forthos" "/tmp/forthos/")
# (find-forthosfile "")
# (find-forthosfile "")

rm -Rv /tmp/forthos/
mkdir  /tmp/forthos/
cd     /tmp/forthos/
tar -xvzf $S/http/www.forthos.org/dist/forthos07.tz

cd     /tmp/forthos/
make clean
make |& tee om

# (code-c-d "forthos" "/tmp/forthos/")
# (find-forthosfile "README.ForthOS" "Support for Multiboot")
# (find-forthosfile "multiboot.h")
# (find-forthosfile "Makefile")
# (find-forthosfile "Makefile" "-Tforthos.lnk")
# (find-forthosfile "forthos.lnk")
# (find-forthosfile "om")
# (find-progoutput "cd /tmp/forthos; cpp -D__ASM__ -DCONS_POSIX -DCONS_VGA < eforth.asm")

# (find-forthosfile "")

# From c.l.f., 2008jul10:
# qemu -cdrom forthos.iso -hda forth.Image -boot d
# http://www.forthos.org/setup.html

# Laxen & Perry's Forth83
# 2003apr15

# «f83»  (to ".f83")
lynx $S/http/www.eforth.com.tw/academy/library/

rm -Rv ~/tmp/f83/
mkdir  ~/tmp/f83/
cd     ~/tmp/f83/
lha x $S/http/www.eforth.com.tw/academy/zip/f83v2-ms.lzh
# (find-lua50ref "file:read")
for i in *.blk; do lua50e '
    while 1 do
      r = io.read(64); if not r or r=="" then break end
  ' < $i > $i.txt

for i in *.blk; do lua50e '
    lines = {}; tinsert = table.insert; getn = table.getn
    while 1 do
      r = io.read(64); if not r or r=="" then break end
      tinsert(lines, r)
    nscreen = 0
    for i=1,getn(lines),16 do
      print("\\ «"..nscreen.."»")
      for j=i,i+15 do if lines[j] then print(lines[j]) end end
      nscreen = nscreen+1
  ' < $i > $i.e

# Update, 2007nov20:
# ftp://ftp.taygeta.com/pub/Forth/Compilers/native/dos/F83/

# Twee editors
# 2003apr18

# «twee-editors»  (to ".twee-editors")
lynx http://www.users.qwest.net/~loveall/Twee.htm
lynx $S/http/www.users.qwest.net/~loveall/Twee.htm
# (code-c-d "ue" "/tmp/ue.1.25/")
# (find-uefile "README")
# (find-uefile "ue.c")
rm -Rv /tmp/ue.1.25/
cd /tmp
tar -xvzf $S/http/www.users.qwest.net/~loveall/binary/ue.1.25.tgz
cd /tmp/ue.1.25/
gcc ue.c -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -o ue ; strip ue ; ls -al ue


# Xcolorforth
# 2003may01

# «xcolorforth»  (to ".xcolorforth")
# (code-c-d "xcf" "$usr_src/XcolorForth/")
# (find-xcffile "")
# (find-xcffile "README")
# (find-progoutput "grep-available SDL")
rm -Rv $usr_src/XcolorForth/
cd $usr_src/
tar -xvzf $S/http/www.oakland.edu/~maslicke/colorforth/XcolorForth.tar.gz
cd $usr_src/XcolorForth/

# cmForth source
# 2007feb28

# http://www.eforth.com.tw/academy-n/chips/Harris%20Rtx2000/
# http://www.eforth.com.tw/academy-n/chips/Harris%20Rtx2000/Rtx2000_5.htm

# retroforth (inspired by cmForth)
# 2007mar13

# «retroforth»  (to ".retroforth")
# (find-es "retro")
# http://retroforth.net/wiki/
# http://retroforth.com/handbook/
# http://retroforth.com/get/source/9.2.10-hosted-source.tar.gz
# http://charleschilders.com/repos/snapshot/retro-9.3.tar.gz

# «retro-2011»  (to ".retro-2011")
# (find-es "retro")
# (find-es "cvs" "fossil")
# http://rx-core.org/rx.fossil/index
# http://rx-core.org/dev/playground.fossil/index

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
mkdir /tmp/re/
cd    /tmp/re/
fossil clone http://rx-core.org/rx.fossil rx.fossil
mkdir rx-core
cd rx-core
fossil open ../rx.fossil

# To pull the latest changes:
fossil pull
fossil update

cd /tmp/re/
tar -cvzf ~/tmp/rx-core.tgz rx-core/

# (find-fline "~/tmp/rx-core.tgz")

# (find-available "lzh")

# (find-status "lha")
# (find-vldifile "lha.list")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/lha/")

# Richard E. Haskell's "The Forth Course"
# 2007jun10

# http://www.cse.secs.oakland.edu/haskell/HC12Book/4course.zip
# Based on F-PC, written in 1990.

# LaForth
# 2007nov20

# «laforth»  (to ".laforth")
# http://www.eforth.com.tw/academy-n/chips/More%20on%20forth%20engines/volume12/volume12_4.htm
# ?[  ...  ][  ...  ]?                                                                                                                                     
# [[  ...  ?[  ...  ?[  ...  ?[  ...  ]]                                                                                                                   
# [[  ...  ?[  ...  ?[  ...  ?[  ...  ]]?                                                                                                                       
# [[  ...  ?]                                                                                                                                              
# [[  n1  =?[  ...  ][                                                                                                                                 
#     n2  =?[  ...  ][                                                                                                                             
#     n3  =?[  ...  ][                                                                                                                             
#     default       ]]?                                                                                                                             

\ Marc Simpson's implementation:
* (eepitch-gforth)

: ?[ postpone if ; immediate
: ][ postpone else ; immediate
: ] postpone then ; immediate
: .bool ?[ ." True" ][ ." False" ] ;
-1 .bool True
0 .bool False

# http://www.zyvra.org/laforth/
# http://www.zyvra.org/laforth/forth.zip

# rubyforth (by Marc Simpson)
# 2007dec09

# «rubyforth-old»  (to ".rubyforth-old")
# Firefox -> Gmail -> /tmp/ -> ~/tmp/
# (find-fline "/tmp/")
# (find-sh0 "cp -v /tmp/rubyforth-186+.tar.gz ~/tmp/")
# (find-fline    "~/tmp/rubyforth-186+.tar.gz")
# (find-sh0 "cp -v /tmp/rubyforth-198.tar.gz ~/tmp/")
# (find-fline    "~/tmp/rubyforth-198.tar.gz")
rm -Rf ~/usrc/rubyforth/
tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf ~/tmp/rubyforth-198.tar.gz
cd     ~/usrc/rubyforth/
# (code-c-d "rubyforth" "~/usrc/rubyforth/" :anchor)
# (code-c-d "rubyforth" "~/rubyforth/" :anchor)
# (find-rubyforth "")
# (find-rubyforth "rubyforth")
# (find-rubyforth  "forth.rb")
# (find-rubyforth   "primitives.rb")
# (find-rubyforth    "kernel.rb")
# (find-rubyforth     "stack.rb")
# (find-rubyforth    "file.rb")
# (find-rubyforth    "inspector.rb")

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)

*;; rubyforth has no prompt, this may confuse comint...
* (eexterm-kill "A")
* (eexterm "A")
cd ~/usrc/rubyforth/
ruby1.8 -r forth.rb

*;; More demos here:
*;; (find-anggfile "rubyforth/")
*;; (find-anggfile "rubyforth/test.fs")

*;; (find-rubyforth "")
*;; (find-rubyforth "scripts/")
*;; (find-rubyforth "scripts/f83.fs")
*;; (find-rubyforth "demos/")
*;; (find-rubyforth "demos/deblock.fs")
* (eexterm-kill "A")
* (eexterm "A")
cd ~/usrc/rubyforth/
cat scripts/f83.fs | ruby1.8 -r forth.rb

# on uploading marc's RubyForth tarballs to twu
# 2008jan07

# «rubyforth»  (to ".rubyforth")
# «rubyforth-angg»  (to ".rubyforth-angg")
# «rubyforth-uploading»  (to ".rubyforth-uploading")
# (find-angg "rubyforth/")
# (find-angg "rubyforth/README.too")
# http://angg.twu.net/rubyforth/
# http://angg.twu.net/rubyforth/README.too.html
# http://angg.twu.net/rubyforth/rubyforth-0.23.tar.gz
# http://angg.twu.net/rubyforth/blocks.tar.gz
# http://rubyforth.sourceforge.net/
# http://rubyforth.sourceforge.net/blocks.tar.gz
# http://rubyforth.sourceforge.net/rubyforth-0.23.tar.gz
rm -Rfv ~/usrc/rubyforth-0.23/
tar -C  ~/usrc/ -xvzf \
cd      ~/usrc/rubyforth-0.23/

cd      ~/usrc/rubyforth-0.23/
for i in $(find * -type f | sort); do cp -av $i ~/rubyforth/$i; done

# To update my makefile:
# (find-sh "tar -tvzf \
    $S/http/rubyforth.sourceforge.net/rubyforth-0.23.tar.gz \
    | cut -b 64- | sort \
    | awk '{printf \"  rubyforth/%s\\n\", $0}'")
# (find-blogme3file "anggmake.lua")
# (find-blogme3file "anggmake.lua" "rubyforth/")

# (code-c-d "rubyforth" "~/usrc/rubyforth-0.19/")
# (find-rubyforthfile "")
# (find-rubyforthsh "find * -type f | sort")

# To upload the binaries to angg/slow_html/:

* (eepitch-eshell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-eshell)

# (find-twusfile "rubyforth/")
# (find-twusfile "rubyforth/demos/")
# (find-angg "rubyforth/")
# (find-angg "rubyforth/demos/")

cd (ee-twusfile "rubyforth/")
cp -v $S/http/rubyforth.sourceforge.net/rubyforth-0.23.tar.gz .
cd (ee-twupfile "rubyforth/")
cp -v $S/http/rubyforth.sourceforge.net/rubyforth-0.23.tar.gz .

# Older scripts...
cd ~/rubyforth/
     # http://rubyforth.sourceforge.net/rubyforth-0.19.tar.gz
cp -v $S/http/rubyforth.sourceforge.net/rubyforth-0.19.tar.gz \
                       (ee-twusfile "rubyforth/")
     # http://rubyforth.sourceforge.net/blocks.tar.gz
cp -v $S/http/rubyforth.sourceforge.net/blocks.tar.gz \
                       (ee-twusfile "rubyforth/")
cd ~/rubyforth/demos/
cp -v cmforth.blk      (ee-twusfile "rubyforth/demos/")
cp -v f83kernel.blk    (ee-twusfile "rubyforth/demos/")

# rubyforth demos
# 2008jan02

# «rubyforth-demos»  (to ".rubyforth-demos")
# (find-angg ".emacs" "eepitch-rubyforth")

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
rm -Rv /tmp/rubyforth/
mkdir  /tmp/rubyforth/
cd     /tmp/rubyforth/
wget http://angg.twu.net/rubyforth/rubyforth-0.19.tar.gz
tar -xvzf rubyforth-0.19.tar.gz
cd     /tmp/rubyforth/rubyforth-0.19/

# (find-angg ".emacs" "eepitch-rubyforth")
# (code-c-d "rubyforth" "/tmp/rubyforth/rubyforth-0.19/" :anchor)
# (find-rubyforthfile "")

* (eepitch-rubyforth)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-rubyforth)
1 2 + .

see nip
see r@
see rot
: .bool ( f -- ) if ." True!" else ." False!" then ;
-1 .bool
0 .bool
see .bool
defer foo
' words is foo
' .s is foo

prim pwd push(Dir.pwd)
: .pwd pwd . ;

\ prim chdir Dir.chdir(pop) 
\ : cd bl parse chdir ;
\ " /usr" chdir
\ cd /tmp

\ prim (ls) system("ls " + pop)
\ : ls 0 parse (ls) ;
\ ls -l
\ ls -l e*

include tools/system.fs
system ls
ls *.rb

\ (find-rubyforthfile "")
\ (find-rubyforthgrep "grep -nH -e prim *")

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
cd /tmp/rubyforth/rubyforth-0.19/
./install.sh /tmp/rubyforth/ 
cd /tmp/rubyforth/ 
  1 2 + .
  include tools/system.fs

# modal and intuitionistic logic in RubyForth
# 2008jun21

# «modal-logic»  (to ".modal-logic")
# (find-rubybookw3m "tut_containers.html")

# (find-rubyforthfile "demos/")
# (find-angg "rubyforth/demos/")
# (find-angg "rubyforth/demos/modaltv.fs")

* (eepitch-ruby)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-ruby)
v = ["\\Pyr", 1, 1, 0]
w = ["\\Pyr", 0, 1, 1]
class Array
  def mand(w) 
    r = [self[0]]; 1.upto(self.length-1) { |i| r[i] = self[i] * w[i] }; r
  def mor(w) 
    r = [self[0]]; 1.upto(self.length-1) { |i| r[i] = [self[i],w[i]].max }; r

# inspect
# 2008jun27

# «inspect»  (to ".inspect")
# (find-fline "~/rubyforth/kernel.rb" "def enter_forth")
# (find-fline "~/rubyforth/file.rb")
# (find-fline "~/rubyforth/primitives.rb")

* (eepitch-rubyforth)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-rubyforth)
0 parse foo bar
: ruby: ( -- ) 0 parse ruby-eval ;
ruby: print 1+2
ruby: push ["foo", ["bar", "plic"]]
dup .
ruby: print(pop.inspect)
ruby: prim "..", "print(pop.inspect)"
ruby: push ["foo", ["bar", "plic"]]

ruby: prim "[]",   "push []"
ruby: prim "push", "pop.push(pop)"
[] 44 swap push 33 push ..

[] ..
44 swap
[] 44 . .
[] 44 .. ..

# R_stack v.1 (broken)
# 2008jun27

# «R_stack_broken»  (to ".R_stack_broken")

* (eepitch-rubyforth)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-rubyforth)
: ruby: ( -- ) 0 parse ruby-eval ;

ruby: def parse_line;     push(0); parse; end
ruby: def R_stack;        $R_stack; end
ruby: def R_stack_init;   $R_stack = []; end
ruby: def R_stack_push;   $R_stack.push(pop); end
ruby: def R_stack_concat; $R_stack.concat; end
ruby: prim "R[", "R_stack_init; R_stack_push(parse_line)"
ruby: prim "R:", "R_stack_push(parse_line)"
ruby: prim "R]", "print R_stack_concat"

R[ foo bar
R: plic plic

ruby: print ["foo", ["bar", "plic"]]
ruby: print ["foo", ["bar", "plic"]].to_s
ruby: print ["foo", ["bar", "plic"]].inspect + "88"

prim: hello print "hello world"

;; (find-rubybookw3m "ref_c_array.html#concat")
;; (find-fline "~/rubyforth/primitives.rb")

* (eepitch-ruby)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-ruby)
print 1 +

# R_stack
# 2008jun27

# «R_stack»  (to ".R_stack")

* (eepitch-rubyforth)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-rubyforth)
: ruby: ( -- ) 0 parse ruby-eval ;

prim ..         print(pop.inspect)
prim \n		push "\n"
prim [] 	push []
prim push	pop.push(pop)
prim []concat	d=pop;s="";pop.each{|t|s = s + d + t};push(s)

variable R_stack
: R_stack_init   ( -- )     [] R_stack ! ;
: R_stack_push   ( str -- ) R_stack @ push ;
: R_stack_concat ( -- str ) R_stack @ \n []concat ;

: R[   R_stack_init  0 parse R_stack_push ;
: R:                 0 parse R_stack_push ;
: R]   R_stack_concat . ;
: R]   R_stack_concat ruby-eval ;

R[ print 1 +
R:   2

: prim: 	parse-word [] 0 parse over push ;
: prim> 	0 parse over push ;
: ;prim 	\n []concat swap make , does> @ ruby-eval ;

prim: .hello
prim> print "Hello primitive world!\n"
prim> push 10
prim> push 10
prim> puts (pop + pop)

# ruby-and-prim-blocks
# 2008jun28

# «ruby-and-prim-blocks»  (to ".ruby-and-prim-blocks")

* (eepitch-rubyforth)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-rubyforth)

prim \n		push "\n"
prim make-prim	prim(pop, pop)

: ruby:		0 parse ruby-eval ;

: R[		0 parse ;
: R:		\n + 0 parse + ;
: R]		ruby-eval ;

: P[		parse-word 0 parse ;
: P:	 	\n + 0 parse + ;
: P]	 	swap make-prim ;

R[ print 1 +
R:   2

\ Marc's syntax:   alias R: prim>

# Corrections on the miniforth article
# 2008jun30

# «miniforth-article-corr»  (to ".miniforth-article-corr")
(code-ps        "minifproof" "~/tmp/miniforth-proof.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "minifproof" "~/tmp/miniforth-proof.pdf")
;; (find-minifproofpage 1)
;; (find-minifprooftext)

words as executed            -> words are executed
given by `read'              -> given by `{\tt read}'
only one mode -- `interpret' -> only one mode -- `{\tt interpret}'

5 dup . -- 25 ok             -> 5 dup .   25 ok

: SQUARE DUP * ;    ok
: CUBE DUP SQUARE * ;    ok
5 CUBE .    125 ok

in mode "forth"              -> in mode {\tt "forth"}

   It can be read aloud as this: Define two new words: SQUARE: run DUP, then
multiply; CUBE: run DUP, then run SQUARE, then multiply. Now put 5 on the stack,
CUBE it, and print the result.


where are are -> where we are

Propor fonte menor pras listagens grandes

32 lines of code
5  blank lines
13 lines of comments

# (find-THLw3m "miniforth-article.html")

subj = [=[                                                                
%L _F["\n"] = function () end                                             
%L _F[""]   = function () mode = "stop" end                               
%L _F["[L"] = function () eval(parsebypattern("^(.-)%sL]()")) end         
  DS = { n = 0 }                                                          
  push = function (stack, x) stack.n = stack.n + 1; stack[stack.n] = x end
  pop  = function (stack) local x = stack[stack.n]; stack[stack.n] = nil; 
                          stack.n = stack.n - 1; return x end             
  _F["5"]   = function () push(DS, 5) end                                 
  _F["DUP"] = function () push(DS, DS[DS.n]) end                          
  _F["*"]   = function () push(DS, pop(DS) * pop(DS)) end                 
  _F["."]   = function () io.write(" "..pop(DS)) end                      
-- Now run it. There's no visible output.                                 
pos = 1                                                                   
mode = "interpret"                                                        
-- At this point the dictionary (_F) has eight words.                     
   -- ( Program 3b: a first program in miniforth )                        

After running Program 3b the system is already powerful enough to run simple Forth programs like, for example,

5 DUP * .

Note that to `run' that what we need to do is:

# Foerthchen
# 2008oct21

# «foerthchen»  (to ".foerthchen")
# (find-es "anatocc" "fasm")
# http://maschenwerk.de/foerthchen/
# http://maschenwerk.de/dl/foerthchen-current.tgz
rm -Rv ~/usrc/foerthchen8/
tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \
cd     ~/usrc/foerthchen8/

cd     ~/usrc/foerthchen8/
rm -v foer.bin foerthchen
make FASM=$HOME/usrc/fasm/fasm
# foerthchen.asm [12]:
# STATIC = 1
# error: reserved word used as symbol.

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
cd ~/usrc/foerthchen8/
words cr
2 3 + (.)
10 emit
: cr 10 emit ;
: . (.) cr ;
2 3 + .

# (code-c-d "fchen" "~/usrc/foerthchen8/")
# (find-fchenfile "")
# (find-efunction 'eepitch-latex)

(defun eepitch-fchen () (interactive)
  (ee-eepitch-comint "~/usrc/foerthchen8/" "foerthchen" "foerthchen"))
;; The examples below are broken -
;; comint waits for a prompt, and blocks...

* (eepitch-fchen)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-fchen)
2 3 + (.)
10 emit

* (eepitch-fchen)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-fchen)
: cr 10 emit ;
: . (.) cr ;
2 3 + .
words cr

# Factor
# 2011nov20

# «factor»  (to ".factor")
# (find-es "factor" "factor")
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factor_(programming_language)
# Freenode: #concatenative
# http://factorcode.org/
# http://github.com/slavapestov/factor/
# http://concatenative.org/wiki/view/Factor/GIT%20repository
# http://concatenative.org/wiki/view/Factor/Building%20Factor

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
rm -Rfv ~/usrc/factor/
rm -Rfv ~/bigsrc/factor/
cd      ~/bigsrc/
tar  -C ~/bigsrc/ -xvzf ~/tmp/factor-git.gz
git clone git://factorcode.org/git/factor.git
# ^ should be "update"...
tar -cvzf ~/tmp/factor-git.gz factor/

cd      ~/bigsrc/factor/
./build-support/factor.sh update  |& tee obfu

# (code-c-d "factor" "~/bigsrc/factor/")
# (find-factorfile "")
# (find-factorfile "build-support/")
# (find-factorfile "build-support/factor.sh")
# (find-factorfile "extra/lua/lua.factor")

# Core bootstrap completed in 36 minutes and 40 seconds.
# Bootstrap completed in 36 minutes and 40 seconds.
# Bootstrapping is complete.
# Now, you can run Factor:
# /home/edrx/bigsrc/factor/factor -i=factor.image

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
cd ~/bigsrc/factor/
./factor -i=factor.image
./factor -i=factor.image.fresh

# http://re-factor.blogspot.com/

# Joy
# 2011dec17

# «joy»  (to ".joy")
# (find-es "joy")

# Dirk Laurie's Stacle
# 2019oct05

# «stacle» (to ".stacle")
# https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxvzKkvdWLgQqJPTjHCqrgzSMChM
# https://github.com/dlaurie/stacle
# http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2020-01/msg00069.html         Dirk Laurie passing
# https://www.sun.ac.za/english/Lists/news/DispForm.aspx?ID=6628 Dirk Laurie passing

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
rm -Rfv ~/usrc/stacle/
cd      ~/usrc/
git clone https://github.com/dlaurie/stacle
cd      ~/usrc/stacle/

git branch --list -a
git for-each-ref
PAGER=cat git log --oneline --graph --all -20

# (find-fline "~/usrc/")
# (find-fline "~/usrc/stacle/")
# (find-gitk  "~/usrc/stacle/")

# (code-c-d "stacle" "~/usrc/stacle/")
# (find-staclefile "")

# file:///home/edrx/usrc/stacle/doc/forthvm.html

# forth-chips
# 2019dec08

# «forth-chips» (to ".forth-chips")
# http://www.greenarraychips.com/

# lbforth
# 2019dec08

# «lbforth» (to ".lbforth")
# https://github.com/larsbrinkhoff/lbForth
# (find-git-links "https://github.com/larsbrinkhoff/lbForth" "lbforth")
# (find-es "lisp" "sbcl")

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
# rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lbForth/
cd      ~/usrc/
git clone https://github.com/larsbrinkhoff/lbForth
cd      ~/usrc/lbForth/

git branch --list -a
git for-each-ref
PAGER=cat git log --oneline --graph --all -20

# (find-fline "~/usrc/")
# (find-fline "~/usrc/lbForth/")
# (find-gitk  "~/usrc/lbForth/")

# (code-c-d "lbforth" "~/usrc/lbForth/")
# (find-lbforthfile "")
# (find-lbforthfile "README.md")

cd      ~/usrc/lbForth/
make |& tee om

# Error:
# In file included from /usr/include/string.h:25:0,
#                  from targets/c/params.c:1:
# /usr/include/features.h:364:25: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory
#  #  include <sys/cdefs.h>
# (find-sh "locate sys/cdefs.h")

# reforth
# 2019dec08

# «reforth» (to ".reforth")
# https://github.com/seanpringle/reforth
# (find-git-links "https://github.com/seanpringle/reforth" "reforth")

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
# rm -Rfv ~/usrc/reforth/
cd      ~/usrc/
git clone https://github.com/seanpringle/reforth
cd      ~/usrc/reforth/

git branch --list -a
git for-each-ref
PAGER=cat git log --oneline --graph --all -20

# (find-fline "~/usrc/")
# (find-fline "~/usrc/reforth/")
# (find-gitk  "~/usrc/reforth/")

# (code-c-d "reforth" "~/usrc/reforth/")
# (find-reforthfile "")
# (find-reforthfile "README.md")

# SVFIG 16Nov2019 - Forth Day - Fireside Chat (Chuck Moore)
# 2019dec27

# «svfig-2019-chuck» (to ".svfig-2019-chuck")
# http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ML-pJFa8lY SVFIG 16Nov2019 - Forth Day - Fireside Chat (Chuck)
# (find-youtubedl-links "/sda5/videos/" "SVFIG_16Nov2019_-_Forth_Day_-_Fireside_Chat_Chuck" "3ML-pJFa8lY" ".mp4" "{stem}")
# (find-youtubedl-links "/sda5/videos/" "SVFIG_16Nov2019_-_Forth_Day_-_Fireside_Chat_Chuck" "3ML-pJFa8lY" ".mp4" "chuckmoore2019")

# (code-video "chuckmoore2019video" "/sda5/videos/SVFIG_16Nov2019_-_Forth_Day_-_Fireside_Chat_Chuck-3ML-pJFa8lY.mp4")
# (find-chuckmoore2019video)
# (find-chuckmoore2019video "0:00")

# strange-loop-2013
# 2020jan08

# «strange-loop-2013» (to ".strange-loop-2013")
# https://kylecordes.com/2013/chuck-moore-strange-loop-2013

<kenrestivo> found a ted talk
             https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb0_V7Tc5MU but not
             the strange loop one
<technomancy> try this

# forth-dimensions
# 2020oct08

# «forth-dimensions»  (to ".forth-dimensions")
# http://www.forth.org/fd/contents.html
# http://www.forth.org/fd/index.pdf
# http://www.forth.org/fd/AuthorSort.pdf
# http://www.forth.org/fd/FD-V01N1.pdf
# http://www.forth.org/fd/

# (code-pdf-page "fdindex" "$S/http/www.forth.org/fd/index.pdf")
# (code-pdf-text "fdindex" "$S/http/www.forth.org/fd/index.pdf")
# (find-fdindexpage)
# (find-fdindextext)

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
# for v in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09; do
for v in 10 11 12 13 14 15; do
  for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
    psne http://www.forth.org/fd/FD-V${v}N${i}.pdf

;; Test: (fdim-fname "42" "5")
(defun fdim-fname (vol issue)
  (ee-template0 "$S/http/www.forth.org/fd/FD-V{vol}N{issue}.pdf"))

;; Test: (fdim-code-c-d "42" "5")
(defun fdim-code-pdf (vol issue)
  (let* ((fname (fdim-fname vol issue))
	 (c (ee-template0 "fdvol{vol}n{issue}"))
         (codepdfpage (ee-template0 "(code-pdf-page \"{c}\" \"{fname}\")"))
         (codepdftext (ee-template0 "(code-pdf-text \"{c}\" \"{fname}\")")))
    (ee-template0 "  {codepdfpage}\n  {codepdftext}\n")))

;; Test: (fdim-finds "42" "5")
(defun fdim-finds (vol issue)
  (let* ((c (ee-template0 "fdvol{vol}n{issue}"))
 	 (findpage (ee-template0 "(find-{c}page 1)"))
 	 (findtext (ee-template0 "(find-{c}text)")))
    (ee-template0 "# {findpage}\n# {findtext}\n")))

(defun fdim-dolist (code)
  (dolist (vol (ee-split "01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15"))
    (dolist (issue (ee-split "1 2 3 4 5 6"))
      (eval code))))

   (insert "(progn\n")
   (fdim-dolist '(insert (fdim-code-pdf vol issue)))
   (insert ")\n")))

 '(fdim-dolist '(insert (fdim-finds vol issue))))

# miniforth-and-joy
# 2020oct27

# «miniforth-and-joy»  (to ".miniforth-and-joy")
# https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24452741 Bootstrapping a Forth in 40 lines
# \-> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24467719

Same here. I've been down the rabbit hole of Forth and embedded
systems for about a month now. I've been learning more and more every
night since I got started in it, and it has also consumed entire
weekends. It's fascinating.

The "hook" for me was seeing things like ifs and loops being written
in Forth itself from simpler primitives. I've always been a fan of
bootstrapping a general purpose computing environment from a small set
of primitives, and Forth lets you do exactly that.

> I'm bored of the internet and browsers. I want to have fun with
  software AND hardware

I can 100% relate to that feeling. Discovering Forth has been
therapeutic for me in a sense. I spend the day dealing with AWS and
Java and logs and metrics for large distributed systems, and that
brings me zero joy or motivation. I spend my work days looking forward
to my time with Forth in the evening.

I think it was CollapseOS that sent me down this rabbit hole :)

# RubyForth and MiniForth can be an answer to this:
# http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.forth/msg/446988d72234f64d

# F83

# Other links (2007nov21)



# Goto:

# Neon:
http://members.talkamerica.net/[email protected]/neon+.zip

# OO primitives:


# System guide to FigForth:







https://jupiter-ace.co.uk/Forth_general_practical_computing8108.html As you learn Forth, it learns from you
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40736174 As you learn Forth, it learns from you (1981) (jupiter-ace.co.uk)

#  Local Variables:
#  coding:               utf-8-unix
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