Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
# This file: # http://angg.twu.net/dednat5/tests/Makefile.html # http://angg.twu.net/dednat5/tests/Makefile # (find-dn5 "tests/Makefile") # Author: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]> # Version: 2012feb16 # License: GPL3 # # «.test1» (to "test1") # «.test2» (to "test2") # «.test3» (to "test3") # «.testbegr» (to "testbegr") # «.testrepl» (to "testrepl") default test: test1.dvi all: test1.pdf test2.pdf test3.pdf testbegr.pdf clean: test1.clean test2.clean test3.clean testbegr.clean veryclean: test1.veryclean test2.veryclean test3.veryclean testbegr.veryclean DEDNAT5 = ../dednat5.lua # «test1» (to ".test1") # Source: (find-dn5 "tests/test1.tex") # Generated .dnt file: (find-dn5 "tests/test1.dnt") # Output: http://angg.twu.net/dednat5/tests/test1.pdf # test1.dnt: test1.tex $(DEDNAT5) -t test1.tex test1.dvi test1.pdf: test1.tex test1.dnt latex test1.tex dvipdf test1.dvi test1.pdf test1.clean: rm -fv test1.aux test1.log test1.dvi test1.pdf test1.veryclean: rm -fv test1.dnt test1.aux test1.log test1.dvi test1.pdf # «test2» (to ".test2") # Source: (find-dn5 "tests/test2.tex") # Generated .mp file: (find-dn5 "tests/test2.mp") # Output: http://angg.twu.net/dednat5/tests/test2.pdf # test2.dnt test2.mp test2.dvi test2.ps test2.pdf: test2.tex mkdir -p test2/ $(DEDNAT5) -t test2.tex mpost test2.mp latex test2.tex dvips -o test2.ps test2.dvi ps2pdf test2.ps test2.clean: rm -fv test2.aux test2.log test2.dvi rm -Rfv test2/ test2.ps test2.pdf test2.veryclean: rm -fv test2.dnt test2.aux test2.log test2.dvi rm -Rfv test2.mp test2/ test2.ps test2.pdf # «test3» (to ".test3") # Source: (find-dn5 "tests/test3.tex") # Generated .dnt file: (find-dn5 "tests/test3.dnt") # Output: http://angg.twu.net/dednat5/tests/test3.pdf # test3.dnt: test3.tex $(DEDNAT5) -t test3.tex test3.dvi test3.pdf: test3.tex test3.dnt latex test3.tex dvipdf test3.dvi test3.pdf test3.clean: rm -fv test3.aux test3.log test3.dvi test3.pdf test3.veryclean: rm -fv test3.dnt test3.aux test3.log test3.dvi test3.pdf # «testbegr» (to ".testbegr") # Source: (find-dn5 "tests/testbegr.tex") # Generated .dnt file: (find-dn5 "tests/testbegr.dnt") # Output: http://angg.twu.net/dednat5/tests/testbegr.pdf # testbegr.dnt: testbegr.tex $(DEDNAT5) -t testbegr.tex testbegr.dvi testbegr.pdf: testbegr.tex testbegr.dnt latex testbegr.tex dvipdf testbegr.dvi testbegr.pdf testbegr.clean: rm -fv testbegr.aux testbegr.log testbegr.dvi testbegr.pdf testbegr.veryclean: rm -fv testbegr.dnt testbegr.aux testbegr.log testbegr.dvi testbegr.pdf # «testrepl» (to ".testrepl") # Source: (find-dn5 "tests/testrepl.tex") # Generated .dnt file: (find-dn5 "tests/testrepl.dnt") # Output: http://angg.twu.net/dednat5/tests/testrepl.pdf # This test is not run by default because it EXPECTS USER INPUT! # testrepl.dnt: testrepl.tex $(DEDNAT5) -t testrepl.tex testrepl.dvi testrepl.pdf: testrepl.tex testrepl.dnt latex testrepl.tex dvipdf testrepl.dvi testrepl.pdf testrepl.clean: rm -fv testrepl.aux testrepl.log testrepl.dvi testrepl.pdf testrepl.veryclean: rm -fv testrepl.dnt testrepl.aux testrepl.log testrepl.dvi testrepl.pdf # Local Variables: # coding: raw-text-unix # ee-anchor-format: "«%s»" # End: