Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
% edrxslides.tex: my hacks for TeXing slides % Edrx, 2006jul17 % This is experimental stuff! % Steal things from: % (find-ufffile "2005oct20-seminar.tex") % (find-uffpage 36) % (find-dvipage "~/LATEX/xivebl.dvi" 15) % (find-dvipage "~/LATEX/xivebl.dvi" 16) % (find-anggfile "HOWM/xivebl.tex") % (find-anggfile "HOWM/2006-04-13") % (find-es "tex" "mytoc") % (find-doutslides "2003a.hdr.tex" "sectioning") % (progn (find-lsrcfile "base/classes.dtx") (ee-isearch "addcontents")) % (find-lsrcfile "base/classes.dtx" "\\newcommand\\subsection") % (find-lsrcfile "base/ltsect.dtx" "\\begin{macro}{\\addtocontents}") % (find-source2epage 'ltsect) % (find-source2epage 'ltsect 7 "\\addtocontents") % \makeatletter \newwrite\tf@mylos \openout\tf@mylos=tmp.los \makeatother \def\myslide#1#2{{\bf #1}\label{#2}\addtocontents{mytoc}{: #2} \addtocontents{mylos}{\protect\tocline {#1} {\thepage}}} \def\tocline#1#2{\par #1 \dotfill #2} % «index» (to ".index") %{\bf Index of the slides} %\medskip %%% We insert the list of slides here by hand... %%% (find-fline "tmp.los") %%% (insert-file "tmp.los") %\tocline {The original motivation} {3} %\tocline {A first skeleton} {4} % \bigskip % \bigskip % {\bf The abstract that should correspond to these notes but does not} % \bigskip, text, etc % \par Eduardo Ochs % \par [email protected] % \par http://angg.twu.net/ % \par http://www.uff.br/grupodelogica/ % (find-dn4file "examples/edrxheadfoot.tex") % \edrxnotes{2005oct20-seminar} % (find-doutslidesfile "2003a.hdr.tex") % (find-doutslidesfile "2003a-slides.tex") \def\newslide#1{\bigskip \hrule {\bf #1}} \def\Newslide#1{\newpage \hrule {\bf #1}} \def\ssk{\smallskip} \def\msk{\medskip} \def\bsk{\bigskip} \setlength{\parindent}{0em} \widemtos % 2006jul21: stuff for Org \def\newpagemaybe{\def\newpagemaybe{\newpage}} \long\def\starslide #1 * #2\par{\newpagemaybe\par{\bf #2}\par} \long\def\starignore * #1\par{} % Local Variables: % coding: raw-text-unix % ee-delimiter-percent: "\n%*\n" % ee-anchor-format: "«%s»" % End: