Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
#!/usr/bin/env lua50 -- dednat4.lua - a TeX preprocessor to typeset trees and diagrams -- Written by Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]>, 2004jan22 -- Current revision: 2006jul19. Last changes: -- 2006jul19 - added arrow.Label; allow abbrevs in arrow.label -- 2006jul?? - added the arg "ignorespecial" to diag-out -- 2006jun24 - added support for ":"-deductions -- See: http://angg.twu.net/dednat4.html -- License: GPL -- -- «.heads» (to "heads") -- «.processfile» (to "processfile") -- «.abbrevs» (to "abbrevs") -- «.abbrev-head» (to "abbrev-head") -- «.tex-head» (to "tex-head") -- «.dntfiles» (to "dntfiles") -- «.process» (to "process") -- «.lua-head» (to "lua-head") -- «.tree-lib» (to "tree-lib") -- «.tree-out» (to "tree-out") -- «.tree-head» (to "tree-head") -- «.diag-out» (to "diag-out") -- «.diagram» (to "diagram") -- «.diag-2d» (to "diag-2d") -- «.diag-forth» (to "diag-forth") -- «.diag-forth-parser» (to "diag-forth-parser") -- «.diag-words» (to "diag-words") -- «.diag-arrows» (to "diag-arrows") -- «.diag-head» (to "diag-head") -- «.main» (to "main") -- Some data structures and variables: -- For heads: -- A "head" is a table with these fields: -- head.headstr a prefix string, e.g. "%:"; set by registerhead -- head.beforefirst = function (linestr) or nil -- head.aftereach = function (linestr) -- head.afterlast = function () or nil -- The table "heads" is an array of headstr -> head. -- For processfile: -- sourcefname is the file name of the file being processed. -- linen is the current line number. -- linestr is the text of the current line. -- flines is an array of linestrs (i.e., flines[linen] is a linestr). -- For abbrevs: -- abbrevs is a table; abbrevs[str] is the expansion of str, or nil if none. -- isprefix is a table, generated from abbrevs; isprefix[str] is a boolean. -- For trees: -- A "tline" is a table with these fields: -- tline.linen an integer -- tline.text a string -- tline.segs a list of "seg"s -- The table "tlines" is an array of linen -> tline. -- It only has entries for the "%:" lines. -- A "seg" is a table with these fields: -- seg.linen an integer -- seg.segn an integer - for any seg s we have tlines[s.linen][s.segn]==s -- seg.lcol an integer -- seg.rcol an integer -- seg.text a string -- For Forth: -- ... -- For diagrams: -- ... -- Add the curent directory to LUA_PATH (if in standalone mode). -- (find-es "lua5" "require") -- if not library then local _, __, arg0path = string.find(arg[0], "^(.*)/[^/]*$") if arg0path then LUA_PATH = (LUA_PATH or os.getenv("LUA_PATH") or "?;?.lua").. ";"..arg0path.."/?" end end require "edrxlib.lua" getn = table.getn gsub = string.gsub strbyte = string.byte strlen = string.len strrep = string.rep strsub = string.sub tinsert = table.insert tremove = table.remove do local reps = {" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "} --reps={"--------", "-------", "------", "-----", "----", "---", "--", "-"} untabify = function (str, col) local pos, newstr, _, nontab, tab = 0, "" col = col or 0 -- 0-based: ((col mod 8)==2) -> (tab -> 6 spaces) while 1 do _, pos, nontab, tab = string.find(str, "^([^\t]*)(\t?)", pos+1) if tab=="" then return newstr..nontab end col = math.mod(col + string.len(nontab), 8) newstr = newstr..nontab..reps[col+1] col = 0 end end end readfile = function (fname) local f = assert(io.open(fname, "r")) local bigstr = f:read("*a") f:close() return bigstr end writefile = function (fname, bigstr) local f = assert(io.open(fname, "w+")) f:write(bigstr) f:close() end splitintolines = function (str) local lines = {} local rest = string.gsub (str, "([^\n]*)\n", function (line) table.insert(lines, line) end) if rest ~= "" then table.insert(lines, rest) end return lines end --%%%% --% --% «heads» (to ".heads") --% --%%%% heads = {} registerhead = function (headstr, head) head.headstr = headstr heads[headstr] = head end registerhead("", {}) headfor = function (linestr) if linestr then return heads[string.sub(linestr, 1, 3)] or heads[string.sub(linestr, 1, 2)] or heads[string.sub(linestr, 1, 1)] or heads[""] end end --%%%% --% --% «processfile» (to ".processfile") --% --%%%% processfile = function (fname, ismetatex) local _sourcefname, _linen, _linestr, _head, _flines, _tlines = sourcefname, linen, linestr, head, flines, tlines sourcefname = fname linen = 1 flines = splitintolines(readfile(fname)) tlines = {} flines.ismetatex = ismetatex while 1 do linestr = flines[linen] if not linestr then break end head = headfor(linestr) local beforefirst = head.beforefirst or function () end local aftereach = head.aftereach or function () end if head.afterlast then beforefirst(linestr) aftereach(linestr) while headfor(flines[linen+1]) == head do linen = linen + 1 linestr = flines[linen] aftereach(linestr); end head.afterlast() else aftereach(linestr) end linen = linen + 1 end local tmpflines = flines sourcefname, linen, linestr, head, flines, tlines = _sourcefname, _linen, _linestr, _head, _flines, _tlines return tmpflines end --%%%% --% --% «abbrevs» (to ".abbrevs") --% --%%%% isprefix = {} abbrevs = {} addabbrev = function (abbrev, expansion) for i = 1,string.len(abbrev)-1 do isprefix[string.sub(abbrev, 1, i)] = true end abbrevs[abbrev] = expansion end unabbrev = function (str) local len, newstr, i = string.len(str), "", 1 local j, teststr, longest while i<=len do longest = nil -- the longest substring starting at i that is an abbrev for j=i,len do teststr = string.sub(str, i, j) if abbrevs[teststr] then longest = teststr else if not isprefix[teststr] then break end end end if longest then -- if str[i] starts an abbrev then newstr = newstr .. abbrevs[longest] -- add the expansion of the abbrev i = i + string.len(longest) else newstr = newstr .. string.sub(str, i, i) -- else add str[i] i = i + 1 end end return newstr end -- these are mainly for tests and demos: addabbrevs = function (...) for i=1,getn(arg),2 do addabbrev(arg[i], arg[i+1]) end end standardabbrevs = function () addabbrevs( "->^", "\\ton ", "`->", "\\ito ", "-.>", "\\tnto ", "=>", "\\funto ", "<->", "\\bij ", "->", "\\to ", "|-", "\\vdash ", "|->", "\\mto ", "\"", " ") end --%%%% --% --% «abbrev-head» (to ".abbrev-head") --% --%%%% abbrevheadcode1 = function () local _, __, abbrev, expansion = string.find(linestr, "^%%:*(.-)*(.-)*") addabbrev(abbrev, expansion) end registerhead("%:*", { aftereach = abbrevheadcode1 }) --%%%% --% --% «tex-head» (to ".tex-head") --% --%%%% outtexlines = {} texheadunabbrev = function (str) return string.gsub(linestr, "\\abr(%b{})", function (s) return unabbrev(string.sub(s, 2, -2)) end) end texheadcode1 = function (linestr) if flines.ismetatex then outtexlines[linen] = texheadunabbrev(linestr) end end registerhead("", { aftereach = texheadcode1 }) --%%%% --% --% «dntfiles» (to ".dntfiles") --% --%%%% dntfile = io.stdout dntprint = function (str) dntfile:write(str, "\n") end undefs = "" remembertoundefine = function (dedordiag, name) undefs = undefs.." \\undef"..dedordiag.."{"..name.."}\n" end setdntfile = function () if dntfile and dntfile ~= io.stdout then io.close(dntfile) end if dntn then dntextrasuffix = "-" .. dntn end dntfname = stemfname .. ".dnt" .. (dntextrasuffix or "") dntfile = assert(io.open(dntfname, "w+")) dntprint(undefs) undefs = "" end bumpdntfile = function () dntn = (dntn or 0) + 1 setdntfile() outtexlines[linen] = "\\input "..dntfname end --%%%% --% --% «lua-head» (to ".lua-head") --% --%%%% luaheadcode0 = function () luacode = "" luacodestartlinen = linen end luaheadcode1 = function (linestr) luacode = luacode .. string.sub(linestr, 3) .. "\n" end luaheadcode2 = function () local chunkname = "\"%L\" chunk starting at line "..luacodestartlinen assert(loadstring(luacode, chunkname))() end registerhead("%L", { beforefirst = luaheadcode0, aftereach = luaheadcode1, afterlast = luaheadcode2 }) --%%%% --% --% «tree-lib» (to ".tree-lib") --% --%%%% dolinenumbers = "eev" optionalhyperlink = function (pre, linen, post) if dolinenumbers == "eev" then return format("%s(find-fline \"%s\" %d)%s", pre, sourcefname, linen, post) elseif dolinenumbers then return format("%sfile %s line %d%s", pre, sourcefname, linen, post) else return "" end end barcharandtext = function (barseg) local _, __, text _, __, text = string.find(barseg.text, "^-+(.*)") if text then return "-",text end _, __, text = string.find(barseg.text, "^=+(.*)") if text then return "-",text end _, __, text = string.find(barseg.text, "^:+(.*)") if text then return ":",text end errprintf("Bad bar at line %d, col %d: %s\n", barseg.linen, barseg.lcol, barseg.text) end relativeplacement = function (upperseg, lowerseg) if upperseg.rcol <= lowerseg.lcol then return "L" end if upperseg.lcol >= lowerseg.rcol then return "R" end return "I" end nextseg = function (seg) return tlines[seg.linen].segs[seg.segn+1] end firstsegabove = function (lowerseg, nlines) local upperseg upperseg = tlines[lowerseg.linen - (nlines or 1)] and tlines[lowerseg.linen - (nlines or 1)].segs[1] while upperseg and relativeplacement(upperseg, lowerseg)=="L" do upperseg = nextseg(upperseg) end if upperseg and relativeplacement(upperseg, lowerseg)=="I" then return upperseg end end nextsegabove = function (upperseg, lowerseg) local nextupperseg = nextseg(upperseg) return nextupperseg and relativeplacement(nextupperseg, lowerseg)=="I" and nextupperseg end stuffabovenode = function (lowerseg) local barseg, firstupperseg, upperseg, n barseg = firstsegabove(lowerseg) if not barseg then return -1 end firstupperseg = firstsegabove(barseg) if not firstupperseg then return 0, barseg end n = 1 upperseg = firstupperseg while 1 do upperseg = nextsegabove(upperseg, barseg) if upperseg then n = n+1 else return n, barseg, firstupperseg end end end --%%%% --% --% «tree-out» (to ".tree-out") --% --%%%% mathstrut = mathstrut or "\\mathstrut " tex_node_tatsuta = function (indent, lowerseg) local n, barseg, upperseg = stuffabovenode(lowerseg) if not barseg then return indent..mathstrut..unabbrev(lowerseg.text) end local barchar, bartext = barcharandtext(barseg) local rulemodifier = (barchar=="=" and "=" or (barchar==":" and "*" or "")) .. (bartext=="" and "" or "[{"..unabbrev(bartext).."}]") local newindent = indent.." " local uppertex if n==0 then return format("%s\\infer%s{ %s%s }{ }", indent, rulemodifier, mathstrut, unabbrev(lowerseg.text)) else uppertex = tex_node_tatsuta(newindent, upperseg) for i=2,n do upperseg = nextseg(upperseg) uppertex = uppertex .. " &\n" .. tex_node_tatsuta(newindent, upperseg) end end return format("%s\\infer%s{ %s%s }{\n%s }", indent, rulemodifier, mathstrut, unabbrev(lowerseg.text), uppertex) end tex_tree_tatsuta = function (treetagseg, treelabel, treerootseg) return format("\\defded{%s}{%s\n%s }\n", treelabel, optionalhyperlink(" % ", treetagseg.linen, ""), tex_node_tatsuta(" ", treerootseg)) end tex_node_paultaylor = function (indent, lowerseg) local n, barseg, upperseg = stuffabovenode(lowerseg) if not barseg then return unabbrev(lowerseg.text) end local barchar, bartext = barcharandtext(barseg) local justifies = (barchar=="=" and "\\Justifies" or (barchar==":" and "\\leadsto" or "\\justifies")) local using = (bartext=="" and "" or "\\using "..unabbrev(bartext).." ") local newindent = indent.." " local uppertex, segtex, istree, previstree if n==0 then return "\\[ "..using..justifies.."\n".. indent..unabbrev(lowerseg.text).." \\]", "tree" else uppertex, istree = tex_node_paultaylor(newindent, upperseg) for i=2,n do upperseg = nextseg(upperseg) previstree = istree segtex, istree = tex_node_paultaylor(newindent, upperseg) if previstree or istree then quad = "" else quad = " \\quad" end uppertex = uppertex..quad.."\n".. newindent..segtex end end return "\\[ "..uppertex.." "..using..justifies.."\n".. indent..unabbrev(lowerseg.text).." \\]", "tree" end tex_tree_paultaylor = function (treetagseg, treelabel, treerootseg) return "\\defded{"..treelabel.."}{".. optionalhyperlink(" % ", treetagseg.linen, "").. "\n \\begin{prooftree}\n ".. tex_node_paultaylor(" ", treerootseg).. "\n \\end{prooftree}}" end tex_tree_function = tex_tree_tatsuta -- tex_tree_function = tex_tree_paultaylor --%%%% --% --% «tree-head» (to ".tree-head") --% --%%%% tlines = {} treetagsegs = {} splitintosegs = function (tline) local col, nsegs, _, __, spaces, text = 1, 0 tline.segs = {} while 1 do _, __, spaces, text = string.find(tline.text, "^( *)([^ ]*)", col) if text and text ~= "" then nsegs = nsegs + 1 local nspaces, nchars = string.len(spaces), string.len(text) tline.segs[nsegs] = {linen=tline.linen, segn=nsegs, lcol=col+nspaces, rcol=col+nspaces+nchars, text=text} col = col + nspaces + nchars else break end end end processtreetags = function (tline) seg = tline.segs[1] while seg do if string.sub(seg.text, 1, 1)=="^" then local treelabel = string.sub(seg.text, 2) if treetagsegs[treelabel] then errprintf("Tree redefined: tree %s, lines %d and %d\n", treelabel, tline.linen, treetagsegs[treelabel].linen) end local treerootseg = firstsegabove(seg, 2) if not treerootseg then errprintf("No root seg: line %d, tree %s\n", tline.linen, treelabel) end dntprint(tex_tree_function(seg, treelabel, treerootseg)) remembertoundefine("ded", treelabel) end seg = nextseg(seg) end end treeheadcode1 = function () tlines[linen] = {linen=linen, text=untabify(string.sub(linestr, 3), 2)} splitintosegs(tlines[linen]) processtreetags(tlines[linen]) end registerhead("%:", { aftereach = treeheadcode1 }) --%%%% --% --% «diag-out» (to ".diag-out") --% --%%%% -- The data structures for nodes and arrows: -- -- nodes an array of "node"s -- node.noden an integer such that nodes[node.noden]==node -- node.TeX a string (in TeX). It becomes an Ni in \morphism...[N1`N2;L] -- node.tex a string, in TeX with abbreviations, or nil -- node.tag a string; in general we have nodes[node.tag]==node -- node.x an integer (given in Tk pixels) -- node.y an integer (given in Tk pixels) -- -- arrows an array of "arrow"s -- arrow.arrown an integer such that arrows[arrow.arrown]==arrow -- arrow.from an index: nodes[arrow.from] is the starting node -- arrow.to an index: nodes[arrow.to] is the ending node -- arrow.shape a string, e.g. "|->", or nil; nil means "->" -- arrow.Label a string (in TeX). It becomes the L in \morphism...[N1`N2;L] -- arrow.label a string, in TeX with abbreviations, or nil -- arrow.placement a string, e.g. "a" for "label |a|bove arrow", or nil -- arrow.slide a string, e.g. "10pt", or nil -- arrow.curve a string, e.g. "^2em", or nil -- arrow.special a function or nil dxyorigx = 100 dxyorigy = 100 dxyscale = 15 realx = function (x) return dxyscale*(x-dxyorigx) end realy = function (y) return -dxyscale*(y-dxyorigy) end nodes = {} arrows = {} storenode = function (node) tinsert(nodes, node) node.noden = getn(nodes) if node.tag and not nodes[node.tag] then nodes[node.tag] = node end return node end storearrow = function (arrow) tinsert(arrows, arrow) arrow.arrown = getn(arrows) return arrow end arrowtoTeX = function (arrow, ignorespecial) if arrow.special and not ignorespecial then return arrow.special(arrow) end local node1, node2 = nodes[arrow.from], nodes[arrow.to] local x1, y1 = realx(node1.x), realy(node1.y) local x2, y2 = realx(node2.x), realy(node2.y) local dx, dy = x2-x1, y2-y1 local label if arrow.Label then label = arrow.Label elseif arrow.label then label = unabbrev(arrow.label) else label = "" end -- 2006aug02: a hack: explicit label placement. -- When lplacement is not nil (say, "^<>(0.4)") write the label at -- the right of lplacement, intead of writing it in "[{%s}`{%s};{HERE}]". -- Warning: when we use lplacement the letter in arrow.placement is ignored. local lplacement if arrow.lplacement then lplacement = format("%s{%s}", arrow.lplacement, label) end local p = arrow.placement and "|"..arrow.placement.."|" or "" local slide, curve, sh if arrow.slide then slide = "@<"..arrow.slide..">" end if arrow.curve then curve = "@/"..arrow.curve.."/" end if arrow.slide or arrow.curve or arrow.lplacement then -- 2006aug02 sh = format("/{@{%s}%s%s%s}/", (arrow.shape or "->"), (lplacement or ""), (slide or ""), (curve or "")) else sh = "/"..(arrow.shape or "->").."/" end return format("\\morphism(%d,%d)%s%s<%d,%d>[{%s}`{%s};%s]", x1, y1, p, sh, dx, dy, node1.TeX, node2.TeX, lplacement and "" or format("{%s}", label)) end --[[ storenode {TeX="a", tag="a", x=100, y=100} storenode {TeX="b", tag="b", x=140, y=100} PP(nodes) storearrow {from="a", to="b", shape="|->", slide="5pt", label="up", placement="a"} storearrow {from="a", to="b", shape=".>"} print(arrowtoTeX(arrows[1])) print(arrowtoTeX(arrows[2])) --]] -- «diagram» (to ".diagram") diagram = function (str) diagramname = str diagramstartlinen = linen dxyorigx = 100 dxyorigy = 100 dxyscale = 15 nodes = {} arrows = {} xs = {} prevy = nil end diagramtoTeX = function () for i=1,getn(nodes) do local node = nodes[i] if not node.tex then node.tex = node.tag end if not node.TeX then node.TeX = unabbrev(node.tex) end end local bigstr = "" for i=1,getn(arrows) do bigstr = bigstr.." "..arrowtoTeX(arrows[i]).."\n" end return bigstr end -- (find-angg "dednat/dednat3.lua" "processing.a.file" "Tree redefined") -- (find-angg "LATEX/edrx.sty" "ded") -- TO DO: support \place, warn at redefinitions enddiagram = function () local diagramdef = format("\\defdiag{%s}{%s\n%s}", diagramname, optionalhyperlink(" % ", diagramstartlinen, ""), diagramtoTeX()) dntprint(diagramdef) remembertoundefine("diag", diagramname) end --%%%% --% --% «diag-2d» (to ".diag-2d") --% --%%%% -- The only special data structure used in the 2D support is the array -- "xs", of cols->Tkcols; only the first position of each x spec is -- stored in it. Example: if -- "100 140 " this xspecstr and then -- " +10 " this xspecstr are fed to dxy2Dx, then we'll have -- 0123456789 xs[0]=100, xs[2]=110, xs[5]=140. xs = {} prevy = nil dxy2Dgetword = function (str, pos) if not str or string.len(str)<=pos then return end local _, endpos, spaces, word = string.find(str, "^( *)([^ ]+)", pos+1) if not word then return end local wordpos = pos + string.len(spaces) return endpos, wordpos, word end dxy2Dx = function (xspecstr, pos) local wordpos, word pos = pos or 0 while 1 do pos, wordpos, word = dxy2Dgetword(xspecstr, pos) if not word then break end local _, __, sign, n = string.find(word, "^(%+?)([0-9.]+)$") if n then -- words that are not like nn or +nn are ignored if sign=="" then xs[wordpos] = tonumber(n) else -- sign=="+": add n to the previous x local prevx for j=wordpos-1,0,-1 do if xs[j] then prevx=xs[j]; break end end if not prevx then error("line "..linen.." col "..pos..": no prevx") end xs[wordpos] = prevx+tonumber(n) end end end end dxy2D = function (str, pos, insteadofstorenode) local wordpos, yword, y pos, wordpos, yword = dxy2Dgetword(str, pos or 0) if not yword then return end -- blank lines are ignored local _, __, sign, n = string.find(yword, "^(%+?)([0-9.]+)$") if n then -- lines not starting with a y spec are ignored if sign=="" then y = tonumber(n) else if not prevy then error("line "..linen.." col "..pos..": no prevy") end y = tonumber(n)+prevy end prevy = y while 1 do pos, wordpos, word = dxy2Dgetword(str, pos) if not word then break end for i=wordpos,wordpos+string.len(word)-1 do if xs[i] then (insteadofstorenode or storenode)({tag=word, x=xs[i], y=y}) break end -- words without an x are ignored end end end end --[[ dxy2Dx(" 100 140 +20"); PP(xs) dxy2Dx(" +10 +3"); PP(xs) dxy2D("55 a b^ool ", 0, P) dxy2D("+5 a^F ign h ", 0, P) --]] --%%%% --% --% «diag-forth» (to ".diag-forth") --% --%%%% -- (find-angg "LFORTH/kernel.lua") -- (find-angg "LFORTH/kernel.lua" "getword") -- (find-es "lua5" "0-based") -- lua50e 'P(string.find("012345678", "^(23456)", 1+2)) --> 1+2 7 "23456"' ds = {} dspush = function (v) tinsert(ds, 1, v); return v end dspop = function () return tremove(ds, 1) end depths = {} depthspush = function (v) tinsert(depths, 1, v); return v end depthspop = function () return tremove(depths, 1) end forths = forths or {} forths["drop"] = dspop forths["swap"] = function () ds[2], ds[1] = ds[1], ds[2] end forths["(("] = function () depthspush(getn(ds)) end forths["))"] = function () if not depths[1] then error("line "..linen.." col "..p.wordpos..": missing `))'") end for i=getn(ds)-1,depthspop(),-1 do tremove(ds, 1) end end forths["@"] = function () dspush(ds[table.getn(ds) - depths[1] - getwordasluaexpr()]) end pushtag = function (tag) dspush(assert(nodes[tag], tag..": no such node")) end pusharrow = function (shape) dspush(storearrow {from=ds[2].noden, to=ds[1].noden, shape=shape}) end dof = function (word) if forths[word] then forths[word]() elseif nodes[word] then dspush(nodes[word]) -- diagxy-specific else error("No such word: "..word) end end -- «diag-forth-parser» (to ".diag-forth-parser") p = {text=str, pos=0, word=nil, wordpos=nil, stuffpos=nil} getword = function () local _, __, afterspaces, word, afterword, newline = string.find(p.text, "^ *()([^ \n]*)()(\n?)", p.pos+1) -- PP(_, __, afterspaces, word, afterword, newline) if word ~= "" then p.stuffpos, p.pos = afterspaces-1, afterword-1 return word elseif newline ~= "" then p.stuffpos, p.pos = afterword-1, afterword return newline end p.pos = nil end getrestofline = function () local _, __, stuffpos, stuff, newpos = string.find(p.text, "^ ?()([^\n]*)()", p.pos+1) p.stuffpos, p.pos = stuffpos-1, newpos-1 return stuff end getuntilquote = function () local _, __, stuff = string.find(p.text, "^ (.-)\"", p.pos+1) if not _ then error("line "..linen..": no closing quote") end p.stuffpos, p.pos = p.pos+1, __ return stuff end asluaexpr = function (str) return assert(loadstring("return "..str))() end getwordasluaexpr = function () return asluaexpr(getword()) end dofs = function (str, pos) local oldp = p p = {text=str, pos=(pos or 0)} while 1 do p.word = getword() if not p.word then p = oldp; return end p.wordpos = p.stuffpos dof(p.word) end end forths["\n"] = function () end forths["#"] = getrestofline macro = function (str) return function () dofs(str) end end --%%%% --% --% «diag-words» (to ".diag-words") --% --%%%% -- Note that "drop", "((", and "))" have already been defined. forths["diagram"] = function () diagram(getword() or error("Missing diagram name")) end forths["enddiagram"] = enddiagram forths["2Dx"] = function () getrestofline() dxy2Dx(p.text, p.stuffpos) end forths["2D"] = function () getrestofline() dxy2D(p.text, p.stuffpos) end --[[ diagram "miniadj" dxy2Dx " 100 140 " dxy2D " 140 a^L <= a " dxy2D " - - " dxy2D " | | " dxy2D " v v " dxy2D " 100 b => b^R " PP("nodes =", nodes) pushtag "a^L"; pushtag "a"; dof "<=" pushtag "a^L"; pushtag "b"; dof "|->" pushtag "a"; pushtag "b^R"; dof "|->" pushtag "b"; pushtag "b^R"; dof "=>" PP("arrows =", arrows) enddiagram() --]] --[[ dofs "diagram miniadj" dofs "2Dx 100 140 " dofs "2D 140 a^L <= a " dofs "2D - - " dofs "2D | | " dofs "2D v v " dofs "2D 100 b => b^R " dofs "a^L a <= a^L b |-> a b^R |-> b b^R =>" dofs "enddiagram" --]] --%%%% --% --% «diag-arrows» (to ".diag-arrows") --% --%%%% settex = function (tag, str) nodes[tag].tex = str end setTeX = function (tag, str) nodes[tag].TeX = str end setp = function (tag, str) nodes[tag].placement = str end setslide = function (tag, str) nodes[tag].slide = str end setcurve = function (tag, str) nodes[tag].curve = str end forths[".tex="] = function () ds[1].tex = getword() end forths[".TeX="] = function () ds[1].TeX = getword() end forths[".TeX=\""] = function () ds[1].TeX = getuntilquote() end forths[".p="] = function () ds[1].placement = getword() end forths[".slide="] = function () ds[1].slide = getword() end forths[".curve="] = function () ds[1].curve = getword() end forths[".label="] = function () ds[1].label = getword() end forths[".label=\""] = function () ds[1].label = getuntilquote() end forths[".plabel="] = function () ds[1].placement = getword() ds[1].label = getword() end forths["->"] = function () pusharrow("->") end forths["=>"] = function () pusharrow("=>") end forths[".>"] = function () pusharrow(".>") end forths[":>"] = function () pusharrow(":>") end forths["-->"] = function () pusharrow("-->") end forths["==>"] = function () pusharrow("==>") end forths["|->"] = function () pusharrow("|->") end forths["|-->"] = function () pusharrow("|-->") end forths["`->"] = function () pusharrow("^{ (}->") end forths[">->"] = function () pusharrow(" >->") end forths["->>"] = function () pusharrow("->>") end forths["|->>"] = function () pusharrow("|->>") end forths["<->"] = function () pusharrow("<->") end forths["<-"] = function () pusharrow("<-") end forths["<="] = function () pusharrow("<=") end forths["<."] = function () pusharrow("<.") end forths["<:"] = function () pusharrow("<:") end forths["<--"] = function () pusharrow("<--") end forths["<=="] = function () pusharrow("<==") end forths["<-|"] = function () pusharrow("<-|") end forths["<--|"] = function () pusharrow("<--|") end forths["<-'"] = function () pusharrow("<-^{) }") end forths["<-<"] = function () pusharrow("<-< ") end forths["<<-"] = function () pusharrow("<<-") end forths["<<-|"] = function () pusharrow("<<-|") end forths["-"] = function () pusharrow("-") end forths["--"] = function () pusharrow("--") end forths["."] = function () pusharrow(".") end --%%%% --% --% «diag-head» (to ".diag-head") --% --%%%% -- (find-angg "dednat/dednat3.lua" "luahead") -- Tell dednat3 to treat "%D" lines as strings to be dofs'd. diagheadcode1 = function (linestr) dofs(untabify(linestr), 2) end if registerhead then registerhead("%D", { aftereach = diagheadcode1 }) end --%%%% --% --% «diag-extensions» --% --%%%% -- (find-angg "dednat/dednat2.lua" "tatsuta_do_node") -- (find-lua50ref "Precedence") -- (find-es "tex" "ptproof") --%%%% --% --% «process» (to ".process") --% --%%%% removesuffix = function (suffix, str) if strsub(str, -strlen(suffix)) == suffix then return strsub(str, 1, -strlen(suffix)-1) end end processtex = function (fname) stemfname = removesuffix(".tex", fname) if not stemfname then error("Filename must end with .tex") end setdntfile() processfile(fname) io.close(dntfile) end processmetatex = function (fname) stemfname = removesuffix(".metatex", fname) setdntfile() outtexfname = stemfname .. ".tex" local flines = processfile(fname, "metatex") io.close(dntfile) outtexfile = assert(io.open(outtexfname, "w+")) for i=1,getn(flines) do outtexfile:write(outtexlines[i] or "%", "\n") end io.close(outtexfile) end processtexormetatex = function (fname) if removesuffix(".tex", fname) then processtex(fname) elseif removesuffix(".metatex", fname) then processmetatex(fname) else error("Filename must end with .tex or .metatex") end end --%%%% --% --% «main» (to ".main") --% --%%%% -- (find-lua50ref "Input and Output Facilities") -- (find-lua50ref "file:write") -- (find-lua50ref "string.find") if not library then if arg[1] == "-e" then assert(loadstring(arg[2]))() elseif arg[1] then processtexormetatex(arg[1]) end end -- To do: change the above "main" code to something that uses options -- in a clearer way, like this: -- dednat4 -o foo.dnt -ot foo.tex -i foo.metatex -- dednat4 -o bar.dnt -i bar.tex -- Code borrowed from blogme for inspiration: -- do -- local i = 1 -- local infname, outfname -- while i <= arg.n do -- local a, b = arg[i], arg[i+1] -- if a == "-o" then outfname = b; i = i+2 -- elseif a == "-i" then blogme_test(b, outfname); i = i+2 -- elseif a == "-p" then relativepathto_prefix = b; i = i+2 -- elseif a == "-e" then assert(loadstring(b))(); i = i+2 -- else print("Unrecognized option: " .. a); os.exit(1) -- end -- end -- end --[[ #* rm -Rv /tmp/dn4/ mkdir /tmp/dn4/ cd /tmp/dn4/ cat > dntest.metatex <<'%%%' bla %L standardabbrevs() %: %: - %: c d %: ====? %: a a->b %: ------- %: b %: %: ^tree1 %: %D diagram miniadj %D 2Dx 100 140 %D 2D 140 a^L <= a %D 2D - - %D 2D | <-> | %D 2D v v %D 2D 100 b => b^R %D a (( a^L => drop b |-> drop b^R => )) b^R |-> %D enddiagram $\abr{a-.>(b<->c)}$ %%% ~/dednat4/dednat4.lua dntest.metatex #* # (find-fline "/tmp/dn4/") # (find-fline "/tmp/dn4/dntest.tex") # (find-fline "/tmp/dn4/dntest.dnt") # (find-angg "LATEX/edrx.sty" "diag") # (find-es "xypic" "diagxydemo0") #* mkdir /tmp/dn4/ cd /tmp/dn4/ unzip -a -o $S/ftp/ftp.math.mcgill.ca/pub/barr/diagxy.zip cp $S/http/www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/proof/proof.sty . cp ~/dednat4/demodefs.tex . #* mkdir /tmp/dn4/ cd /tmp/dn4/ cp ~/dednat4/demodefs.tex . cat > main.tex <<'%%%' \documentclass[oneside]{book} \usepackage{proof} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} % \input diagxy \xyoption{curve} % \input demodefs.tex \begin{document} \input dntest.dnt \input dntest.tex $$\ded{tree1} \qquad \diag{miniadj}$$ \end{document} %%% latex main.tex && xdvi main.dvi & #* # (find-fline "/tmp/dn4/") # (find-fline "/oldfs/7/pandahome/edrx/LATEX/") ]] --[[ P(untabify("34\t\t01234567\t0123\t", 3)) P("3456701234567012345670123456701234567") --]] -- (find-vtutil4 "vtfontlib.lua") -- (find-lua50ref "") -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua") -- Local Variables: -- coding: raw-text-unix -- End: