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This is the file `README.interact' of dednat4. Author: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]> Maintainer: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]> Version: 2008jul05 This file is in the Public Domain. See: http://angg.twu.net/dednat4.html http://angg.twu.net/dednat4/README.interact.html http://angg.twu.net/dednat4/README.interact (find-dn4 "Makefile") There are two ways to understand the internals of dednat4 "interactively". One way - more obvious, and not so interactive - is to add small snippets of Lua code to a TeX file and run dednat4 on it. For example: rm -Rv /tmp/dn4test/ mkdir /tmp/dn4test/ cd /tmp/dn4test/ cat > ee.tex <<'%%%' %L require "experimental" -- for "midpoint" %D diagram T:F->G %D 2Dx 100 +20 +20 %D 2D 100 A %D 2D / - \ %D 2D / | \ %D 2D v v v %D 2D +25 FA ------> GA %D 2D TA %L PP(nodes) -- Lua code: dump the table `nodes' %D (( A FA -> A GA -> %L PP(ds) -- Lua code: dump the table `ds' %D FA GA -> .plabel= b TA %D A FA GA midpoint |-> %D )) %D enddiagram $$\diag{T:F->G}$$ %%% Then if we run: ~/dednat4/dednat4 ee.tex we get this output, modulo some line breaks that I added by hand to make it nicer: {1={"noden"=1, "tag"="A", "x"=120, "y"=100}, 2={"noden"=2, "tag"="FA", "x"=100, "y"=125}, 3={"noden"=3, "tag"="------>", "x"=120, "y"=125}, 4={"noden"=4, "tag"="GA", "x"=140, "y"=125}, "------>"={"noden"=3, "tag"="------>", "x"=120, "y"=125}, "A"={"noden"=1, "tag"="A", "x"=120, "y"=100}, "FA"={"noden"=2, "tag"="FA", "x"=100, "y"=125}, "GA"={"noden"=4, "tag"="GA", "x"=140, "y"=125}} {1={"arrown"=2, "from"=1, "shape"="->", "to"=4}, 2={"noden"=4, "tag"="GA", "x"=140, "y"=125}, 3={"noden"=1, "tag"="A", "x"=120, "y"=100}, 4={"arrown"=1, "from"=1, "shape"="->", "to"=2}, 5={"noden"=2, "tag"="FA", "x"=100, "y"=125}, 6={"noden"=1, "tag"="A", "x"=120, "y"=100}} The "PP" function is defined in edrxlib.lua. See: (find-dn4 "edrxlib.lua" "PP") <http://angg.twu.net/dednat4/edrxlib.lua.html#PP> If we are editing that file "ee.tex" in Emacs, then the following eev-ism can be used instead of running dednat4 by hand on a shell: put the sexp hyperlink below somewhere in ee.tex, and execute it with M-e. % (find-sh "~/dednat4/dednat4 ee.tex") Running dednat4 from the Lua command line ========================================= When dednat4.lua sees that it has been called with no command-line arguments at all - not even arg[0], that usually says where the dednat4 script was read from - it deduces that it has been invoked from a Lua interpreter in interactive mode, and behaves in a special way. For example: /home/edrx/dednat4(edrx:de)# lua51 Lua 5.1.3 Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio > dofile "dednat4.lua" Loaded: dednat4.lua > > dolinenumbers = nil > mytostringk = mytostringk2 > > dofs "diagram miniadj2" > dofs "2Dx 100 140 " > dofs "2D 140 a^L <= a " > dofs "2D - - " > dofs "2D | | " > dofs "2D v v " > dofs "2D 100 b => b^R " > dofs "(( a^L a <= a^L b |-> a b^R |->" > > printf("xs = %s\n", mytostring(xs)) xs = {9=100, 15=140} > for i=1,#nodes do printf("nodes[%d] = %s\n", i, mytostring(nodes[i])) end nodes[1] = {noden=1, tag="a^L", x=100, y=140} nodes[2] = {noden=2, tag="a", x=140, y=140} nodes[3] = {noden=3, tag="b", x=100, y=100} nodes[4] = {noden=4, tag="b^R", x=140, y=100} > for i=1,#arrows do printf("arrows[%d] = %s\n", i, mytostring(arrows[i])) end arrows[1] = {arrown=1, from=1, shape="<=", to=2} arrows[2] = {arrown=2, from=1, shape="|->", to=3} arrows[3] = {arrown=3, from=2, shape="|->", to=4} > for i=1,#ds do printf("ds[%d] = %s\n", i, mytostring(ds[i])) end ds[1] = {arrown=3, from=2, shape="|->", to=4} ds[2] = {noden=4, tag="b^R", x=140, y=100} ds[3] = {noden=2, tag="a", x=140, y=140} ds[4] = {arrown=2, from=1, shape="|->", to=3} ds[5] = {noden=3, tag="b", x=100, y=100} ds[6] = {noden=1, tag="a^L", x=100, y=140} ds[7] = {arrown=1, from=1, shape="<=", to=2} ds[8] = {noden=2, tag="a", x=140, y=140} ds[9] = {noden=1, tag="a^L", x=100, y=140} > for i=1,#depths do printf("depths[%d] = %s\n", i, mytostring(depths[i])) end depths[1] = 0 > PP(keys(nodes)) {1=1, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5="a^L", 6="b^R", 7="a", 8="b"} > > dofs " b b^R => ))" > dofs "enddiagram" \defdiag{miniadj2}{ \morphism(0,-600)/<=/<600,0>[{a^L}`{a};{}] \morphism(0,-600)/|->/<0,600>[{a^L}`{b};{}] \morphism(600,-600)/|->/<0,600>[{a}`{b^R};{}] \morphism(0,0)/=>/<600,0>[{b}`{b^R};{}] } > [I need to write much more about this...] The elements of ds are stored in the wrong order ================================================ Note: due to a bad design decision the elements of ds are "in the wrong order" - to push a new element we move the old elements from the positions 1..n to 2..n+1, and then we set ds[1] to the new element... this simplifies accessing the elements at the top of the stack, but complicates all the rest - especially "@" and operations with the array "depths". See: (find-es "dednat" "eepitch-dednat4")