Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
# This file: # http://angg.twu.net/blogme4/Makefile.html # (find-blogme4 "Makefile") # Author: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]> # Varsion: 2011apr26 # License: GPL3 # To do: steal things from: (find-angg "SCANS/Makefile") # (find-eev "Makefile") # # (find-angg "LATEX/Makefile") # (find-node "(make)") # (find-node "(make)Automatic Variables") # (find-node "(make)Automatic Variables" "$@" "target of the rule") # (find-node "(make)Automatic Variables" "$<" "first prerequisite") # (find-node "(make)Automatic Variables" "$*" "stem") # # (defun m () (interactive) (find-blogme4sh "make clean; make blogme4.lua blogme4.tgz")) # (defun m () (interactive) (find-blogme4sh "make clean; make blogme4.lua")) # (defun m () (interactive) (find-blogme4sh "make clean; make")) COREFILES = common.lua eoo.lua def.lua eval.lua brackets.lua anggdefs.lua \ elisp.lua angglisp.lua texinfo.lua options.lua TGZFILES = $(COREFILES) README Makefile \ demo.lua demo_i.blogme etc.lua \ build.lua blogme4.lua \ blogme4-repl DEMOS = demo.html demo_i.html README.html LUA = lua5.1 # all: blogme4.lua demos all: blogme4.lua demos blogme4.tgz clean: rm -fv blogme4.lua $(DEMOS) blogme4.tgz # (find-blogme4 "build.lua") blogme4.lua: $(COREFILES) build.lua $(LUA) build.lua && chmod 755 blogme4.lua # (find-eevfile "Makefile" "tarball") tgz: blogme4.tgz blogme4.tgz: $(TGZFILES) (TZ=GMT date; date) > VERSION tar -cvzf $@ $(TGZFILES) VERSION demos: $(DEMOS) demo.html: blogme4.lua demo.lua $(LUA) demo.lua demo_i.html: demo_i.blogme blogme4.lua ./blogme4.lua -o $@ -i $< README.html: README blogme4.lua ./blogme4.lua -o $@ -a2html $< # Local Variables: # coding: raw-text-unix # ee-anchor-format: "«%s»" # End: