Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
#!/usr/bin/env lua5.1 -- exifdatetime.lua - a library for handling and -- classifying whiteboard images like this one: -- http://angg.twu.net/2018.2-MD/20180813_MDA1.jpg -- See: http://angg.twu.net/2018.2-MD/2018.2-MD.pdf -- http://angg.twu.net/2018.2-MD.html -- (find-angg ".emacs" "find-quadros-links") -- -- By Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]>. -- Version: 2018nov27. Public domain. -- -- «.fossils» (to "fossils") -- «.timeslots» (to "timeslots") -- «.courses» (to "courses") -- «.Year» (to "Year") -- «.ExifFile» (to "ExifFile") -- «.main-scripts» (to "main-scripts") -- «fossils» (to ".fossils") getexifdatetime = function (fname) local bigstr = getoutput(format("exif %s | grep -i 'Date and time'", fname)) local date,time = bigstr:match("([0-9:]+)%s+([0-9:]+)") if date then return date:gsub(":", ""), (time:gsub(":", "")) end end getfnamedatecoursen = function (fname) local fname1 = fnamenondirectory(fname) local fdate,fcourse,fn = fname1:match("^([0-9]+)_([0-9A-Z]+)([0-9])%.") return fdate,fcourse,fn end --[[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "exifdatetime.lua" -- (find-fline "~/2018.2-MD/") -- (find-fline "~/2018.2-MD/20180814_MDB1.jpg") -- (find-exif "~/2018.2-MD/20180814_MDB1.jpg") = getexifdatetime "~/2018.2-MD/20180814_MDB1.jpg" = getfnamedatecoursen "~/2018.2-MD/20180814_MDB1.jpg" --]] -- «timeslots» (to ".timeslots") inslot = function (time) return function (slot) local a0,c0 = slot:match("([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)") local b = time+0 local a,c = a0*10000, c0*10000 if a < b and b < c then return slot end end end gettimeslot = function (time) local inslott = inslot(time - 3000) -- 30 minutes return inslott "07-09" or inslott "09-11" or inslott "11-13" or inslott "14-16" or inslott "16-18" end --[[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "exifdatetime.lua" = gettimeslot(102345) --> 09-11 = gettimeslot(112345) --> 09-11 = gettimeslot(132345) --> 11-13 = gettimeslot(142345) --> nil = gettimeslot(172345) --> 16-18 = gettimeslot(182345) --> 16-18 = gettimeslot(192345) --> nil --]] -- «courses» (to ".courses") -- (find-TH "2018.2") courses = {} -- courses["2a_11-13"] = "MDA" -- courses["4a_11-13"] = "MDA" -- courses["3a_16-18"] = "MDB" -- courses["4a_14-16"] = "MDB" -- courses["2a_16-18"] = "C2" -- courses["4a_16-18"] = "C2" -- (find-TH "2019.1") -- courses["4a_11-13"] = "C2" -- courses["6a_11-13"] = "C2" -- courses["5a_09-11"] = "C3" -- courses["6a_14-16"] = "C3" -- courses["4a_16-18"] = "TD" -- courses["6a_16-18"] = "TD" -- (find-TH "2019.2") courses["4a_11-13"] = "C2peq" courses["6a_11-13"] = "C2peq" courses["5a_11-13"] = "C2gde" courses["6a_07-09"] = "C2gde" courses["5a_14-16"] = "C3" courses["6a_14-16"] = "C3" -- «Year» (to ".Year") -- A data structure that stores all days of a year and lets us -- calculate weekdays. I wrote this because of the bug with 2018-11-14 -- in: -- (find-es "unix" "date") -- (find-es "unix" "date" "2018-11-04") Year = Class { type = "Year", new = function (yyyy, jan00, leap) local feb = leap and 29 or 28 local dayofyear = {} local daysinmonth = {31, feb, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31} for month=1,12 do for day=1,daysinmonth[month] do local mmdd = format("%02d%02d", month, day) table.insert(dayofyear, mmdd) dayofyear[mmdd] = #dayofyear end end return Year {year=yyyy, daysinmonth=daysinmonth, jan00=jan00, dayofyear=dayofyear} end, __tostring = function (y) local y0=shallowcopy(y); y0.dayofyear="..."; return mytabletostring(y0) end, __index = { weekday = function (y, mmdd) local pat = y.year.."(%d%d%d%d)" if mmdd:match(pat) then mmdd = mmdd:match(pat) end return math.mod(y.dayofyear[mmdd]+y.jan00, 7) end, weekdayport = function (y, mmdd) return y:weekday(mmdd).."a" end, }, } -- Initialize for 2018 and 2019: -- 2018jan01 is a monday ("2a"): (ee-calendar-generate 1 2018) -- 2018jan00 is a sunday ("1a"): (ee-calendar-generate 1 2018) -- 2019jan00 is a monday ("2a"): (ee-calendar-generate 1 2019) thisyear = Year.new(2018, 1) thisyear = Year.new(2019, 2) --[[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "exifdatetime.lua" thisyear = Year.new(2018, 1) PPV(thisyear.dayofyear) = thisyear = thisyear:weekdayport( "1127") = thisyear:weekdayport("20181127") = thisyear:weekdayport("0101") --]] -- «ExifFile» (to ".ExifFile") -- Usage: -- ef = ExifFile.new "~/2018.2-MD/20180814_MDB1.jpg" -- print(ef.canonicalname) --> 20180814_MDB_175210 -- ExifFile = Class { type = "ExifFile", new = function (fname) return ExifFile({fname=fname}):runexif():getslot() end, __tostring = mytabletostring, __index = { runexif = function (ef) local cmd = format("exif %s | grep -i 'Date and time'", ef.fname) local bigstr = getoutput(cmd) ef.exifdatetime = getoutput(cmd) local date0,time0 = bigstr:match("([0-9:]+)%s+([0-9:]+)") if date0 then local date,time = date0:gsub(":", ""), time0:gsub(":", "") ef.date,ef.time = date, time end return ef end, getslot = function (ef) ef.weekday = thisyear:weekdayport(ef.date) ef.timeslot = gettimeslot(ef.time) or ef.time ef.weekslot = ef.weekday.."_"..ef.timeslot ef.course = courses[ef.weekslot] if ef.course then ef.canonicalname = format("%s_%s_%s", ef.date, ef.course, ef.time) else ef.canonicalname = format("%s_%s", ef.date, ef.weekslot) end return ef end, }, } --[[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "exifdatetime.lua" = ExifFile.new "~/2018.2-MD/20180814_MDB1.jpg" = ExifFile.new "~/2019.1-C2/20190320_C21.jpg" = ExifFile.new "~/pergola/01_vista_do_203B.jpg" # (find-fline "~/2018.2-MD/20180814_MDB1.jpg") --]] -- «main-scripts» (to ".main-scripts") --[[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "exifdatetime.lua" files = split(getoutput("ls ~/2019.2-C2/*C2*.jpg ~/2019.2-C3/*C3*.jpg")) files = {} files = split(getoutput("ls ~/2019.2-??/*.jpg")) already = Set.new() -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Set") for _,fname in ipairs(files) do local ef = ExifFile.new(fname) local cann = ef.canonicalname already:add(cann) print(fname, cann) end = already:ksc() files = split(getoutput("ls /tmp/2019*.jpg")) celular = Set.new() -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Set") rms = "" mvs = "" for _,fname in ipairs(files) do local ef = ExifFile.new(fname) local cann = ef.canonicalname celular:add(cann) if already:has(cann) then rms = rms..format("rm -v "..fname.."\n") else mvs = mvs..format("mv -iv %s /tmp/%s.jpg\n", fname, cann) end -- print(fname, cann) end print(rms) print(mvs) writefile("/tmp/o", "\15 (eepitch-shell)\n"..rms..mvs) -- (find-fline "/tmp/o") -- Now rename the images, replacing the timestamps by serial numbers: -- (find-fline "/tmp/") PPV(files) = already:ksc() --]]