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-- treesegs.lua: handle the whitespace-sparated "segments" in "%:"-blocks. -- This file: -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/dednat6/treesegs.lua.html -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/dednat6/treesegs.lua -- (find-angg "dednat6/dednat6/treesegs.lua") -- Author: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]> -- Version: 2021oct13 -- License: GPL3 -- -- «.AllSegments» (to "AllSegments") -- «.allsegments» (to "allsegments") -- «.segtotreenode» (to "segtotreenode") -- «.Segment» (to "Segment") -- «.Segments» (to "Segments") -- «.tosegments» (to "tosegments") -- «.allsegments-tests» (to "allsegments-tests") require "eoo" -- (find-dn6 "eoo.lua") require "parse" -- (find-dn6 "parse.lua") require "treetex" -- (find-dn6 "treetex.lua") require "rect" -- (find-dn6 "rect.lua") -- (find-dn6 "rect.lua" "dedtorect") intersects = function (start1, end1, start2, end2) if end1 <= start2 then return false end if end2 <= start1 then return false end return true end -- «AllSegments» (to ".AllSegments") -- «allsegments» (to ".allsegments") AllSegments = Class { type = "AllSegments", __tostring = mytostringv, __index = { last = function (allsegs, linenow) for i=linenow,1,-1 do if allsegs[i] and allsegs[i][1] then return allsegs[i][1] end end end, }, } allsegments = AllSegments {} -- For example, allsegment[5] is a Segments object containing the list -- of all Segment objects at line 5 of the current file (or nil). -- An expression like allsegments[5][1] returns either a Segment -- object or nil; an expression like allsegments[5][1]:segsabove() -- returns a list of Segment objects. Note that Segment and Segments -- are different classes! -- «segtotreenode» (to ".segtotreenode") -- (find-dn6 "treetex.lua" "TreeNode") segtotreenode = function (seg) local bar = seg:firstsegabove() if bar then local bart = bar.t local barchars = bart:match("^-+") or bart:match("^=+") or bart:match("^:+") or bart:match("^.+") if not barchars then Error("Bad bar: "..bart) end local barchar = bart:sub(1, 1) local label = bart:sub(1 + #barchars) local hyps = bar:segsabove() local T = map(segtotreenode, hyps) T[0] = seg.t T.bar = barchar T.label = label return TreeNode(T) end return TreeNode {[0]=seg.t} end -- «Segment» (to ".Segment") Segment = Class { type = "Segment", -- __tostring = function (seg) return seg:torect():tostring() end, __tostring = function (seg) return mytostring(seg) end, __index = { iswithin = function (seg, l, r) return intersects(seg.l, seg.r, l, r) end, intersects = function (seg1, seg2) return intersects(seg1.l, seg1.r, seg2.l, seg2.r) end, segsabove_ = function (seg, dy) return allsegments[seg.y - dy] or Segments {} end, segsabove = function (seg) return seg:segsabove_(1):allintersecting(seg) end, firstsegabove = function (seg) return seg:segsabove()[1] end, rootnode = function (seg) return seg:segsabove_(2):firstwithin(seg.l, seg.l + 1) end, totreenode = function (seg) return segtotreenode(seg) end, torect = function (seg) return dedtorect(seg:totreenode()) end, }, } -- «Segments» (to ".Segments") Segments = Class { type = "Segments", __tostring = function (segs) return mytostring(segs) end, __index = { allwithin = function (segs, l, r) local T = {} for _,seg in ipairs(segs) do if seg:iswithin(l, r) then table.insert(T, seg) end end return T end, firstwithin = function (segs, l, r) return segs:allwithin(l, r)[1] end, allintersecting = function (segs, seg) return segs:allwithin(seg.l, seg.r) end, firstintersecting = function (segs, seg) return segs:allwithin(seg.l, seg.r)[1] end, }, } -- «tosegments» (to ".tosegments") -- Uses functions and variables from: (find-dn6 "parse.lua") tosegments = function (str, y) local T = {} setsubj(untabify(str)) while getword() do table.insert(T, Segment {l=startcol, r=endcol, t=word, y=y, i=#T+1}) end return Segments(T) end -- For tests treesegtest = function (bigstr) y = 1 for _,li in ipairs(splitlines(bigstr)) do allsegments[y] = tosegments(li, y) y = y + 1 end return allsegments[y - 1][1] -- return first segment from last line end -- «allsegments-tests» (to ".allsegments-tests") -- See: (find-dn6 "rect.lua" "dedtorect-tests") --[==[ • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) require "treesegs" = tosegments(" a bb ccc ") = tosegments(" a bb ccc ") = s r = treesegtest [[ %: a b %: ----? %: c ]] = allsegments = r PP(r) PP(r:totreenode()) tn = r:totreenode() • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) require "treesegs" foo = function (str) allsegments[y] = tosegments(str, y) y = y + 1 end y = 4 foo "%: a b " foo "%: ----? " foo "%: c " foo "%: " foo "%: ^t " = allsegments PP(allsegments[5]) PP(allsegments[5][1]) PP(allsegments[5][1]:segsabove()) PP(allsegments[8][1]) PP(allsegments[8][1]:rootnode()) PP(allsegments[4][1]:segsabove()) PP(allsegments[4][1]:firstsegabove()) = allsegments[6][1] PP (allsegments[6][1]) PP (allsegments[6][1]:totreenode()) print(allsegments[6][1]:totreenode():TeX_subtree(" ")) print(allsegments[6][1]:totreenode():TeX_deftree("t")) -- err --]==] -- Local Variables: -- coding: utf-8-unix -- End: