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-- rect.lua: concatenable ascii rectangles, for drawing trees in ascii. -- This thing supports both "syntax trees" and "deduction trees". -- This file: -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/dednat6/rect.lua -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/dednat6/rect.lua.html -- (find-angg "dednat6/dednat6/rect.lua") -- Author: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]> -- Version: 2020aug24 -- License: GPL3 -- -- Some examples: -- -- > = synttorect {[0]="+", {[0]="*", "2", "3"}, {[0]="*", "4", "5"}} -- +_____. -- | | -- *__. *__. -- | | | | -- 2 3 4 5 -- -- > = dedtorect {[0]="+", {[0]="*", "2", "3"}, {[0]="*", "4", "5"}} -- 2 3 4 5 -- ---- ---- -- * * -- ------- -- + -- -- > = dedtorect {[0]="a", "b", {[0]="c", label="foo", bar="=", "d", "e"}} -- d e -- ====foo -- b c -- ---- -- a -- -- This is a hacking tool that is currently mainly used by: -- -- (find-dn6 "treetex.lua") -- (find-dn6 "treetex.lua" "TreeNode") -- (find-dn6 "treetex.lua" "TreeNode" "__tostring") -- (find-dn6 "treetex.lua" "TreeNode" "return dedtorect(tn)") -- (find-dn6 "treetex.lua" "ProofSty-test") -- (find-dn6 "treetex.lua" "BussProofs-test") -- -- The function dedtorect, defined below, accepts both Lua tables in -- the format above, that is easy to write by hand, and TreeNode -- objects, that are harder to write by hand but are easier to use in -- functions. The understand how the conversion to TreeNodes works, -- see: -- -- (find-dn6 "treetex.lua" "TreeNode") -- (find-dn6 "treetex.lua" "TreeNode" "from =") -- -- At this moment Dednat6 only builds TreeNode objects by parsing -- %:-blocks in .tex files, and only uses these TreeNode objects to -- generate "\defded"s, but at one point I thought that I could need -- to generate trees from programs, and edit them in Lua... so I wrote -- this library. -- «.Rect» (to "Rect") -- «.Rect-tests» (to "Rect-tests") -- «.Rect-ded-tests» (to "Rect-ded-tests") -- «.syntotorect» (to "syntotorect") -- «.synttorect-tests» (to "synttorect-tests") -- «.dedtorect» (to "dedtorect") -- «.dedtorect-tests» (to "dedtorect-tests") -- ____ _ -- | _ \ ___ ___| |_ -- | |_) / _ \/ __| __| -- | _ < __/ (__| |_ -- |_| \_\___|\___|\__| -- -- This is my n-th rewrite of a class of ascii rectangles... -- See: (find-dn6 "edrxlib.lua" "Rect") -- «Rect» (to ".Rect") copy = function (A) local B = {} for k,v in pairs(A) do B[k] = v end setmetatable(B, getmetatable(A)) return B end torect = function (o) if otype(o) == "Rect" then return o end if type(o) == "string" then return Rect.new(o) end error() end Rect = Class { type = "Rect", new = function (str) return Rect(splitlines(str)) end, rep = function (str, n) local r=Rect{}; for i=1,n do r[i]=str end; return r end, from = function (o) return type(o) == "string" and Rect.new(o) or o end, -- -- A hack to let us build syntax trees very quickly: syntree = function (op, a1, ...) if not a1 then return Rect.from(op) end local r = Rect.from(a1):syn1(op) for _,an in ipairs({...}) do r = r:synconcat(Rect.from(an)) end return r end, -- __tostring = function (rect) return rect:tostring() end, __concat = function (r1, r2) return torect(r1):concat(torect(r2)) end, __index = { tostring = function (rect) return table.concat(rect, "\n") end, copy = function (rect) return copy(rect) end, width = function (rect) return foldl(max, 0, map(string.len, rect)) end, push1 = function (rect, str) table.insert(rect, 1, str); return rect end, push2 = function (rect, str1, str2) return rect:push1(str2):push1(str1) end, pad0 = function (rect, y, w, c, rstr) rect[y] = ((rect[y] or "")..(c or " "):rep(w)):sub(1, w)..(rstr or "") return rect end, lower = function (rect, n, str) for i=1,n do rect:push1(str or "") end return rect end, concat = function (r1, r2, w, dy) r1 = r1:copy() w = w or r1:width() dy = dy or 0 for y=#r1+1,#r2+dy do r1[y] = "" end for y=1,#r2 do r1:pad0(y+dy, w, nil, r2[y]) end return r1 end, prepend = function (rect, str) return Rect.rep(str, #rect)..rect end, -- -- Methods for building syntax trees syn1 = function (r1, opname) return r1:copy():push2(opname or ".", "|") end, synconcat = function (r1, r2) return r1:copy():pad0(1, r1:width()+2, "_")..r2:copy():push2(".", "|") end, -- -- Methods for building deduction trees dedconcat = function (r1, r2) local w = r1:width() + 2 if #r1 < #r2 then return r1:copy():lower(#r2-#r1):concat(r2, w) end if #r1 == #r2 then return r1:copy():concat(r2, w) end if #r1 > #r2 then return r1:copy():concat(r2, w, #r1-#r2) end end, dedsetbar = function (r, barchar, barname) if #r == 1 then table.insert(r, 1, "") end local trim = function (str) return (str:match("^(.-) *$")) end local strover = trim(r[#r-2] or "") local strunder = trim(r[#r]) local len = max(#strover, #strunder) r[#r-1] = (barchar or "-"):rep(len)..(barname or "") return r end, dedaddroot = function (r, rootstr, barchar, barname) table.insert(r, "") table.insert(r, rootstr) return r:dedsetbar(barchar, barname) end, }, } -- «Rect-tests» (to ".Rect-tests") --[[ • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) dofile "rect.lua" r = Rect.new "a\nbb\nccc" = r PP(r) = r:width() = r:copy():pad0(1, 4, nil, "d") = r:copy():pad0(1, 4, "_", "d") = r:copy():push2("op", "|") = r:copy():push2("op", "|"):pad0(1, r:width()+1, "_") = r:copy():push2("op", "|"):pad0(1, r:width()+1, "_")..r:copy():push2(".", "|") = "This => "..r.." <=" abc = Rect.new "a\nbb\nccc" = abc PP(abc) = abc:syn1("op") = abc:syn1("op"):synconcat(abc) = abc:syn1("op"):synconcat(Rect.from "d") = abc:syn1("op"):synconcat(Rect.from(abc)) syntree = Rect.syntree = syntree "a" = syntree("a", "b") = syntree(abc) = syntree("a", abc) = syntree("a", abc, "d") = syntree("a", abc, "d", abc) -- «Rect-ded-tests» (to ".Rect-ded-tests") • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) dofile "rect.lua" abc = Rect.new("a b\n----\nc") defgh = Rect.new(" d\n -\ne f g\n-------\nh") = abc = defgh = abc:dedconcat(defgh) = defgh:dedconcat(abc) = defgh:dedconcat(abc):dedaddroot("i") = defgh:dedconcat(abc):dedaddroot("i", "=") = defgh:dedconcat(abc):dedaddroot("i", "=", "foo") = defgh:dedconcat(abc):dedaddroot("iiiiiiiii", "=", "foo") = defgh:dedconcat(abc):dedaddroot("iiiiiiiiii", "=", "foo") = defgh:dedconcat(abc):dedaddroot("iiiiiiiiiii", "=", "foo") = Rect.new("") = Rect.new(""):dedaddroot("iiiii", "=", "foo") --]] -- _ _ _ -- ___ _ _ _ __ | |_| |_ ___ _ __ ___ ___| |_ -- / __| | | | '_ \| __| __/ _ \| '__/ _ \/ __| __| -- \__ \ |_| | | | | |_| || (_) | | | __/ (__| |_ -- |___/\__, |_| |_|\__|\__\___/|_| \___|\___|\__| -- |___/ -- -- «syntotorect» (to ".syntotorect") synttorect = function (o) if type(o) == "string" then return torect(o) end if type(o) == "table" then local r = synttorect(o[1]):syn1(o[0]) for i=2,#o do r = r:synconcat(synttorect(o[i])) end return r end error() end -- «synttorect-tests» (to ".synttorect-tests") --[[ • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) dofile "rect.lua" tree = {[0]="+", {[0]="*", "2", "3"}, {[0]="*", "4", "5"}} tree = {[0]="+", {[0]="*", "2", "3"}, {[0]="*", "4", "5"}, bar="=", label="hi"} = synttorect(tree) = dedtorect (tree) --]] -- _ _ _ _ -- __| | ___ __| | |_ ___ _ __ ___ ___| |_ -- / _` |/ _ \/ _` | __/ _ \| '__/ _ \/ __| __| -- | (_| | __/ (_| | || (_) | | | __/ (__| |_ -- \__,_|\___|\__,_|\__\___/|_| \___|\___|\__| -- -- «dedtorect» (to ".dedtorect") dedtorect = function (o) if type(o) == "string" then return torect(o) end if type(o) == "table" then if #o == 0 then local r = dedtorect(o[0]) if o.bar or o.label then r:dedsetbar(o.bar, o.label) end return r else r = dedtorect(o[1]) for i=2,#o do r = r:dedconcat(dedtorect(o[i])) end return r:dedaddroot(o[0] or "?", o.bar, o.label) end end error() end -- «dedtorect-tests» (to ".dedtorect-tests") -- See: (find-dn6 "treesegs.lua" "allsegments-tests") --[[ • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) dofile "rect.lua" = dedtorect "a" = dedtorect {[0]="a"} = dedtorect {[0]="a", "b", "c"} = dedtorect {[0]="a", "b", {"c"}} = dedtorect {[0]="a", "b", {[0]="c"}} = dedtorect {[0]="a", "b", {[0]="c", bar="-"}} = dedtorect {[0]="a", "b", {[0]="c", label="foo"}} = dedtorect {[0]="a", "b", {[0]="c", label="foo", bar="=", "d", "e"}} = dedtorect {[0]="a", "b", {[0]="c", label="foo", "d", "e"}} = dedtorect {[0]="a", "b", {[0]="c", "d", "e"}} --]] -- Local Variables: -- coding: utf-8-unix -- End: