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-- parse.lua: functions to parse words keeping track of the column. -- These functions are used to parse tree segments (in "%:" lines) -- and 2D grids (in both "%D 2Dx" and "%D 2D" lines). -- This file: -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/dednat6/parse.lua.html -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/dednat6/parse.lua -- (find-angg "dednat6/dednat6/parse.lua") -- Author: Eduardo Ochs <[email protected]> -- Version: 2021jan24 -- License: GPL3 -- -- Based on: -- http://angg.twu.net/miniforth-article.html -- http://angg.twu.net/miniforth/miniforth-article.pdf -- «.getword» (to "getword") -- «.getword-with-errmsgs» (to "getword-with-errmsgs") setsubj = function (subj_, pos_) subj = subj_ pos = pos_ or 3 startcol, endcol = 1, pos end -- «getword» (to ".getword") -- (find-dn5file "parse.lua" "getword =") -- (find-dn5 "dednat6.lua" "utf8") getword = function () local spaces, word_, newpos = subj:match("( *)([^ ]+)()", pos) if spaces then startcol = endcol + #spaces endcol = endcol + #spaces + word_:len8() -- UTF-8 word = word_ pos = newpos return word end end getwordasluaexpr = function () local expr = getword() local code = "return "..expr return assert(loadstring(code))() end getrestofline = function () local spaces, word_, newpos = subj:match("( *)(.*)()", pos) if spaces then startcol = endcol + #spaces endcol = endcol + #spaces + #word_ -- change for UTF-8 word = word_ pos = newpos return word end end --[[ • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) dofile "parse.lua" run = function (str) setsubj(str) while getword() do PP(startcol, endcol, pos, word) end end run "%Dfoo bar plic" --]] -- «getword-with-errmsgs» (to ".getword-with-errmsgs") -- These are higher-level variants of getword() and getwordasluaexpr() -- that accept error messages. Mnemonic: they have "_"s in their -- names, and "getword_lua" is more readable than "getwordlua". getword_1 = function (funname, errmsg) errmsg = errmsg or "argument" return getword() or error(format("In '%s': missing %s", funname, errmsg)) end getword_2 = function (funname, errmsg1, errmsg2) local a = getword_1(funname, errmsg1 or "first argument") local b = getword_1(funname, errmsg2 or "second argument") return a,b end getword_lua = function (funname, errmsg) return expr(getword_1(funname, errmsg)) end getword_lualua = function (funname, errmsg1, errmsg2) local a, b = getword_2(funname, errmsg1, errmsg2) return expr(a), expr(b) end -- Local Variables: -- coding: utf-8-unix -- End: